Wednesday, February 29, 2012

you might be working with a pathological liar?

Pathological Liars n THERMOTRON EMPLOYEE'S

So you think you might be working with a pathological liar?

No, you're not.

He's just a big jerk.

A thief, a whore, and a liar Guess who's fake?

The popular stereotype of a THERMOTRON pathological liar--

1..a chronic liar, deceiver,

2...who lies to get out of things, or into things;

3..who tries to con you into something, or control you;

4..who cheats on you and then denies it,

5..makes up stories about where he was-- all this is wrong.

It's malingering, but it isn't pathological lying.

He's a tool, but he's not psychiatric.

Webster's Medical Dictionary defines a "pathological liar"

as "an individual who habitually tells lies so exaggerated or bizarre that they are suggestive of mental disorder."

Next to this definition should be this picture - a photo of a self-important, smarmy looking, all-too-coiffed ABC News "reporter" named John Stossel.

You may have noticed that Stossel is out hawking a book called

"Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity"

purporting to debunk those things.

Instead, what we see is that Stossel is spewing them - and using his media platform as a megaphone of dishonesty.

Stossel, in many ways, is exactly why I wrote my new book Hostile Takeover -

to strip bare the opportunists,

shills and half-wits who dominate our political debate and show them for what they

really are: pathological liars.

"Pathological lying" is often interchanged with "pseudologia fantastica."

(NB: many psychiatrists use pseudologia fantastica interchangably with confabulation-- this is also wrong, as will be described below.)

Pathological lying was originally defined as complex lies which are internally consistent, that may drag on for years and-- and this is the key point-- do not have an obvious purpose or gain.

They are not lies told to self-aggrandize, or minimize guilt. They're not trying to con you into or out of anything. They're just making crap up.

The lies are unplanned, spontaneous. Once told, they generally stick (for years)-- but it's fair to say the pathological liar doesn't know what he's going to say until he says it. He is a bullshit artist who makes it up as he goes along, and who then believes his own crap.

And the lies aren't even useful lies. You ask him what he did last Saturday and he tells you he went to the museum; and maybe he says at the museum he saw a guy try to rob the gift shop, but he got caught by two off duty cops wearing blue hats. And later you learn he was really at a movie with his girlfriend and you think, why the hell did this freak make all that up?
That's why it's called pathological.

A pathological liar is like a 4 year old kid, who tells you what happened to him down by the lake. Meanwhile, there's no lake.

The important question here is this: does the pathological liar know he is lying? Or does he believe his stories? Is he lying, or is he delusional?

The answer is: both. Sort of.

He is not delusional, but he hovers in that half-world of the narcissist (oh, there's that tie-in), where the lies are believed until he gets caught, but then-- and this is the move that only a few can pull off-- he acknowledges that the "facts" are lies, but not the essence, the spirit. "Ok, look, I'm not really in the CIA."

But in his mind, he knows that if conditions were right-- if something big went down-- he could be exactly like a CIA agent, and that's close enough.

If he saw a suicide bomber, he'd be able to movie- kung fu him, grab the Sig Sauer and squeeze off a few rounds.

He also knows which wire to clip. How does he know? Because he's in the CIA.

If aliens actually did come and attack us, he knows he would actually be able to fly a spaceship.

The pathological liar doesn't place much value in experience;

it's all in identification. He doesn't need to be in the military to know exactly what it's like, because he's watched enough war movies (e.g. one) or read Tom Clancy. (

Aside: that's the huge appeal of Clancy and Crichton-- enough detail to make you think you know the inner workings of the professions they describe.)

It's wrong to dismiss the lies as valueless; like Zelig,

these people do have an intuitive grasp of the relevant thought process, emotions, affects, and even consequences of the experiences they describe.

They're just made up.

So when he gets caught in his lie,

he secretly blames the other person

for not appreciating that whether it's a lie or not is trivial,

irrelevant; it still affected him just the same.

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