Wednesday, December 21, 2011

environtronics, thermotron, ESPEC, Sexton,

John tenbrink trained his co -workers from thermotron how to "Work-the-system,

Thermotron where college education is not necessary to be a Field service engineer, or a Sales Engineer,

Ask Bob Wiley .. his Mentor

Monday, December 19, 2011

Thermotron Don't Come Around Here No More

Thermotron when you quit they tell every-one "Well we didn't lose much, and thermotron won't re-hire you after you quit, unless of course if you are a "Pet"

disparage former employee's is common at thermotron

move on to , another similar company, ESPEC, all temp Engineering, Russles tech products

Thursday, December 15, 2011

thermotron west coast field service engineer, where high turn-over is not a proplem,

Field Service Refrigeration

Field Service Refrigeration Field Service Engineers. (Refrigeration) Fro... US 12.05.11

Field Service Engineer

Field Service Engineer Thermotron Industries is one of the world's premier s... San Diego, CA 11.29.11

Field Service Engineer

Field Service Engineer Thermotron Industries is one of the world's premier s... El Segundo, CA 11.17.11

Thermotron Industries

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Thermotron where Manufacturing jobs that don't require a college degree

There are jobs all over the place for people with experience, good skills and a college degree.

If you don't have all three of those, particularly if you don't have a college degree, landing employment can be trickier. Here's an idea.

No college degree required - although you have to have a high school diploma or a GED and it helps to have gone to community college because these jobs require the ability to think.

Thermotron Industries is one of the world's premier suppliers of high-employee turn-over environmental test equipment

Employer Name: Thermotron Industries

Location: El Segundo, California Date Posted: 12/5/2011

Wage: competitive 10;00-13;00 per hour

(Ya don't get much in California)

Category: HVAC

Job Code:
Number Of Openings: 1

Job Description:

Thermotron Industries is experiencing growth! We are seeking a Field Service Engineer in the El Segundo area to help to grow revenue and profits through building service sales volume. Field Service Engineers are actively and continuously involved in preventive maintenance contracts, retrofits, extended warranties, installations, start-up, relocation packages, and general service. Service functions include performing quality installations, startups, troubleshooting, maintenance, construction, repair, modifications, overhauls, retrofits, calibration, inspection and servicing of Thermotron products and like competitor products. Must develop strong relationships with customers by acting in a highly responsive and professional manner to meet customer needs.

Job Requirements:
-High School or equivalent
-Certificate/Associates Degree in HVAC, or equivalent experience
-Math skill, good reading and writing skills, electrical or electronics and mechanical aptitude, understands and can interpret schematics.
-Desire & ability to sell service work and build strong customer relationships
-Good time management skills
-Capable of effective minimum stock, inventory management
-Ability to deal with upset customers-at all organization levels
-Troubleshooting knowledge, electrical & mechanical aptitude
-Successful experience installing and servicing residential light commercial HVAC, or industrial refrigeration systems.

Job Criteria:
Start Date: immediately
Position Type: Full-Time Permanent
Years of Experience Required: 5
Education Required: Bachelors
Overnight Travel: Less Than 25%
Vacation Time: Less Than 2 weeks / year

Job Benefits:
Health/Dental Benefits, Retirement Benefits, Paid Holidays, Vacations, and Sick Leave, Life and/or Disability Insurance, Tuition Reimbursement

Company Profile:

Thermotron Industries is one of the world's premier suppliers of high-performance environmental test equipment, screening and simulation equipment, vibration test systems and functional test systems and integration. Our customers include successful companies in a range of industries who depend on reliable test equipment for a variety of testing requirements.

An Equal Opportunity Employer

Contact Information:
Contact Name: Tamera Kennedy Company Type: Employer
Company: Thermotron Industries

City: Holland
State: Michigan
Zip: 49423
Web Site:

Field Service Engineer

Thermotron Industries - El Segundo, CA

Thermotron Industries is experiencing growth! We are seeking a Field Service Engineer in the El Segundo area to help to grow revenue and profits through building service sales volume. Field Service...

Added - 12/5/2011 10:40:21 AM PST to HVAC

Field Service Engineer

Thermotron Industries - San Diego, CA

Thermotron Industries is experiencing growth!

We are seeking a Field Service Engineer in the San Diego area to help to grow revenue and profits through building service sales volume. Field Service...

Added - 12/5/2011 10:36:43 AM PST to HVAC

Field Service Engineer

Thermotron Industries - Milwaukee, WI

Thermotron Industries is experiencing growth! We are seeking a Field Service Engineer in the Milwaukee area to help to grow revenue and profits through building service sales volume. Field Service...

Added - 12/5/2011 10:33:15 AM PST to HVAC

Field Service Engineer

Thermotron Industries - New York, NY

Thermotron Industries is experiencing growth!

We are seeking a Field Service Engineer in the Long Island area to help to grow revenue and profits through building service sales volume. Field Service...

Added - 12/5/2011 10:29:13 AM PST to HVAC

Field Service Engineer

Thermotron Industries - Indianapolis, IN

Thermotron Industries is experiencing growth!

We are seeking a Field Service Engineer in the Indianapolis area to help to grow revenue and profits through building service sales volume. Field...

Added - 12/5/2011 10:25:02 AM PST to HVAC

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

All temp engineering / factory trained at thermotron

i hate 2 tell U.. but U..R.. A.. retard.. or a use-full IDOIT

thermotron is the winner of all the places employed.. where it is ok to be a pervert.. a retard.. a thief.. an embezzler.. a liar..a deceiver..

Ask ...... HERBERT -- THE -- PERVERT... who is with tenny...

or maybe ....Richard... santa maria... in cost accounting...

john dane is funny... at all temp engineering...... he is the youngest... field service engineer that ever worked at thermotron..

(just lie 2 the customer and GED required for engineer title)

as thomas bannach.. and others.. said... Geee. i didn't .. know how to sPEll eNGINeeR.. and Now ...i ..1.!!!

in actually... fact... john dane and mitch got their training ENSECO,.. INC.. .. with randy.. BUNN...

and his old man...BIG..BUNN..

and as mitch kerr... said...

they didn't hire.. people from thermotron... who.. were trained , qualified.. and traveled...

ya ... gota be a california ... liar and thief.. to fit in the environmental chamber business...

Ask... "oLD"... Ed Flowers....the sales... whore in LA... he believes .. mitch kerr's lies, all though .. rundy bunn from ENSECO.. said john dane was a bigger back stabber.. but who can say???

ask john dane... or thomas bannach... oh..i know.. Fred-less Plont..

Monday, November 21, 2011

thermotron manager goes nuts! what do u want 2 hear?

all our managers have a GED ! advanced thermotron training

Get your seminal traingin a t Thermotron, where our motto is

Tell the customer what ever they want to hear and it dosen't matter if it is true or not

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Call a spade a spade Thermotron management liar

john May 4, 2010 at 3:52 pm

Call a spade a spade, and you will never be disrespected by colleages as long as your facts are correct.

What kind of kool-aid are you drinking?

I have the unfortunate ability to spot liars often immediately however this skill only serves to protect me.

When I say liars, I do not mean the average person who tells the occasional lie or a person who may tell more than occasional lies

but the extremely convincing, glib perfect liar who has no tells and is an expert at knowing what people want and how to give it to them.
When they are caught in a lie, they create a better lie to cover it or use their emotional power of manipulation to minimize it so those who know don’t care.

I have met several liars at the workplace, one who defrauded the company of thousands of dollars and took advantage of other co-workers and prior to that I informed all of my co-employees and the boss that he was an untrustworthy liar and I stated facts that proved my case yet they were ignored. In in other situations outside of work and the outcome was similar. People are animals; emotional creatures not rational and when you present the truth they ignore it.

Anyone can spot a normal liar but it is pathological or sociopathic liars that are rarely caught and unless you have evidence that can’t be ignored then don’t even bother.

You’ll look like an asshole and the liar will use their abilities to disparage your reputation.

lying / field service thermotron GED required

rick August 23, 2007 at 11:23 am

There are many degrees of workplace liars.
I have been lucky in a long career to have only a few times when someone lied about something that I did or did not do.

For me, equally evil are people that dramatically exagerate their accomplishments to enhance their career often at the expense of someone with ethics. I am not referring to people who are good at promoting themselves based on actual acheivement. It is those who speak in generallities and “round up” their level of acheivement. It amazes me how easily many senior people fall for a set of lies if confidently stated when typically a few focused followup questions will reveal the true (i.e. lower)magnitude of acheivement.


Jim Stroup August 23, 2007 at 7:02 pm
Good for your son. And good for you for offering work to the rat.

My vote for best line is your reference to being able to talk to your grandmother about what you’ve done. While discussing ethics in the military, I used to tell my Marines that we want to do nothing that we wouldn’t be ashamed – once all the facts were out – to tell our grandchildren. It’s a good way to put perspective on ethical considerations being imposed on you in the workplace, and to establish your framework to responding to them.

Thanks for a great post!


Frank Roche August 24, 2007 at 11:23 am
Jim, that “gramdmother test” works. Cool to hear about you used it where it really matters…that’s a place where people are under duress, and it’s essential that they consider their actions in advance. In journalism grad school we had to go through lots of scenarios where we had to consider if we would intervene in a story…ethics required that you knew what you would do before you did it.

Thanks about my son. I wasn’t proud about the rat thing, but it was satisfying at the time. Sometimes you just have to walk away.

Joan, thanks so much! Powerful story you tell there, too. It’s sad when one’s reputation is questioned, especailly if it’s unwarranted. There are some scary people out there…which is good for Dilbert but not so great for regular workers.


Frank Roche August 24, 2007 at 11:24 am
Rick, it does astonish me when people have to tear others down in order to feel good about themselves. They’re toxic — the third rail — and my best solution is to stay FAR away from them


Andy March 7, 2008 at 6:35 pm
I work on an insurance claims line where we actively lie or tell half truths all day and I fricking hate it. Worse they want me to be really empathetic and pretend that we really care about the clients whilst they are on the phone and then actively screw them over and do it with a clear conscience, like I know a way our clients can save about 60 pounds as they dont need a car from a certain hire firm but are entitled to it for FREE on their policy, but we send them through to the hire firm (who then mis-lead clients with duplicitous lies) and screw them out of more money because we have a contract with that company. Ive complained to my team leader that I don’t think its ethical and her response was that they don’t have to take the car with that company and if their stupid enough to sign with them it not our problem.
Its all profits over people and it makes me sick.


Bill April 29, 2008 at 9:49 am
Great post! I have a Vice President who tells us a daily lie in order to prove a point. For the love of God I cannot understand why! Now he is on a “Leadership” kick and he wants us to be better leaders for our salesmen. How can someone lead when his leader is misleading him everyday he walks into the office? Better yet, our CEO eats up his lies continues to back him in every situation when the entire time we are having a massive retention issue and he cannot figure out why.

Honesty is always the best policy, but how do you deal with compulsive liars who don’t care how much damage their lies really cause?


Frank Roche April 29, 2008 at 10:04 am
Bill, a bad situation indeed. And I can’t imagine how a business can run like that…it does, but in spite of itself.

I’m a fan of calling people on their bullshit. It might mean having to leave, but rampant lying is horrible. And…a fish rots from the head first.


Bill April 29, 2008 at 10:16 am
Frank, Thank you. You are not the only person to tell me this. I am also a fan of calling him out, however most of the time it only causes him to keep lying and it never ends. Then he covers his tail and he tells our CEO and COO that I am not fit to lead our sales staff and that i should be replaced. I can only imagine what they think of me.

At the end of the day, I will simply have to update my resume and call a head hunter hoping to find a real leader to follow and mentor me. I’ll keep you posted on my search!.. Thanks again.


Frank Roche April 29, 2008 at 10:32 am
Bill, cheers on your search. Honest people are always in demand, and you’ll be a great addition to any company. And let’s hope that your new place will have people as ethical as you.


Steve Geraint May 30, 2008 at 6:12 am
It continually amazes me that people cannot work together towards the same dream or goal in an organisation. All the petty lying and bickering between staff just impairs productivity and efficiency. But then we are all only as good as the person that leads us. I have no problem in the work place of calling a liar on there actions, and will also make it ethical and professionally known to their colleages. At the end of the day, all business is corrupt to a point, but this doesnt mean that we have to lower our own standards to be the same. One dreams of the day that ethics rule over profits, but then maybe I am living in a world where this will never be the case.

Call a spade a spade, and you will never be disrespected by colleages as long as your facts are correct.


john May 4, 2010 at 3:52 pm
Call a spade a spade, and you will never be disrespected by colleages as long as your facts are correct.

What kind of kool-aid are you drinking? I have the unfortunate ability to spot liars often immediately however this skill only serves to protect me. When I say liars, I do not mean the average person who tells the occasional lie or a person who may tell more than occasional lies but the extremely convincing, glib perfect liar who has no tells and is an expert at knowing what people want and how to give it to them. When they are caught in a lie, they create a better lie to cover it or use their emotional power of manipulation to minimize it so those who know don’t care. I have met several liars at the workplace, one who defrauded the company of thousands of dollars and took advantage of other co-workers and prior to that I informed all of my co-employees and the boss that he was an untrustworthy liar and I stated facts that proved my case yet they were ignored. In in other situations outside of work and the outcome was similar. People are animals; emotional creatures not rational and when you present the truth they ignore it. Anyone can spot a normal liar but it is pathological or sociopathic liars that are rarely caught and unless you have evidence that can’t be ignored then don’t even bother. You’ll look like an asshole and the liar will use their abilities to disparage your reputation.


doglover September 1, 2010 at 11:47 pm
You are so correct!!!


doglover September 1, 2010 at 11:45 pm
I have actually found the opposite to be true. The coworker doing the lying is who is actually believed. This has even been the case when there was more than one other coworker present, and they even told the boss that what the liar was saying wasn’t true. But, still the boss believed the liar. This situation has actually happened in 2 place I have worked, and on more than one occasion in ech place of employment as well. It just makes you wonder why the ones lying always seem to be believed.


Tiffany George March 20, 2011 at 2:01 pm
This is a relevant and much needed posting! When I think of liars, I often think of my 3 year old, who makes up a story to divert my attention off of something that she has done that is wrong. Lying is childish! I work in the health care field and in the acute hospital setting there is NO place for liars, but unfortuantely they exist. I hate when I have to work behind a “lazy” nurse. It makes care of the patient more difficult, especially if I am busy with other patients, and often delays care that is important. In addition, it is something that SHOULD have been taken care of prior to my shift. I feel that at any job, lying is just NOT necessary. Be honest, we are adults (at least in age, maybe not mentally), but I respect you as a person if you simply tell the truth. I liked this posting because it gives great points on dealing with the liars and I do believe in getting to the bottom of things and nipping it in the bud! Also, the part about behaving ethically offers good points because sometimes people can push you to your limit and cause you to act out. In this case, I say stay professional. Professionalism never goes out of style! To the liars, just grow up, take accountability for your actions, and most importantly- BE HONEST!


jUST FEED UP March 25, 2011 at 5:02 pm
I’m dealing with a compulsive liar in the work place, she is constantly telling big and small lies….and if confronted she just lies again. She is a sweet person, but her truth is on a different level than what the average persons is. She ALWAYS makes it seem as if she is the only one in the office that knows how to complete a task and of course she does the most work. She has a very limited understanding of new tasks therefore we keep her on the same merry go round each day, however to the outside departments she is the golden child of our section, because as military we try to stick together. Our office knows how she is other offices dont so they hear her constant lies and down talk of others and think that she has to be telling the truth. I googled how to deal with liars in the work place and found this site…I’m at my wits end and cant continue to stay ethical and professional so i stay quite but its eating me alive…some help please..some words of wisdom right now would go a long way.


Frank Roche March 25, 2011 at 5:18 pm
Hi there…dealing with compulsive liars is the worst. They feel no remorse and they can lie right to your face and not worry about it. It’s so different for good and ethical people like you to have to put up with people like that.

Liars often are golden children…for a while. But it goes away. They can talk a good line, but it never works out over the long run. My sense is people like that are toxic…and it’s good to get away from them. That’s always the easy thing to say…I recognize in all organizations that it’s tough. Very tough. Recognizing she’s like that is a first step. I think documenting things is essential…I think keeping a diary is a good idea. Write down dates…little twists. Liars have bad memories…and when it’s time — and there’s always a “time” — having times and dates and a diary really helps.

I know that doesn’t make it go away. But I’m always a fan of icing those kinds of people out. And letting them be hoist with their own petard by documenting their behavior and stowing it away for a rainy day.


karen April 8, 2011 at 12:12 am
My boss is a compulsive liar. She constantly steal my ideas and present them as her own. She literally lied on my performance evaluation to make her herself look good. Her boss is totally convinced she is this wonderful human being who was mistreated by her past employer. This lady lies so much that it is frightening.I am concerned I will end up losing my job because she is such a skilled liar. The strangest thing is, I am the only person that seems to see her for who she really is. I have never met another human being who is a more skilled liar,, I am truly shocked and amazed.

jUST FEED UP October 6, 2011 at 10:23 am
Thanks so much i come and read your response a few times during the week….your advice is so right…i’ve started writing things down and also another co worker was already doing the same thing so we compared notes and basically we’re just waiting on that “day”….I went up the chain several days ago and surprise they are aware this person is toxic, however nothing has been done, I notated that meeting as well….I think a made a very valid point in that meeting the military is so worried about having security clearances but giving a liar a position of authority defeats that purpose. needless to say i still havent recieved a answer to that question! I’ve passed this site around to my coworkers and its actually a big help so thanks again!

Mary March 30, 2011 at 11:39 am
I have to agree with all that you all are saying,but to the lady who said her co-worker was nice,should rethink that. People who lie and it cause harm to others are not nice people. They are passive aggressive and use that seeming nice to their advantage, so if they lie to your boss, it assured that they will be the ones that are believed and not you. No matter how hard you work or how deciate you are to a company,all it takes is one nice person to get in the bosses ear and no matter what the lie is your butt is the one on the line not the NICE Person. So please don’t be fooled by them –even puppies can bite.


Nia October 5, 2011 at 5:45 pm
I am being supervised by the most passive-aggressive liar, ever! I work with the developmentally disabled and am extremely passionate about my work. I recently applied for certification and have been given the run around after passing all the tests and completing the requirements. My supervisor tells me today that I will not receive certification because I did not take the “pre-test”. She told me that it had been scheduled on 7/21, I have a copy of all of my training requirements and the training coordinator wrote in “to be scheduled”, yet never followed up. I am fed up because she must have told everyone in the agency lies about me because they are all extremely defensive when I try to speak with them rationally, they keep telling me lies and I have evidence, plenty of it. This is really annoying and extremely unprofessional and at this point I don’t know what else to do…


Frank Roche October 6, 2011 at 10:03 am
Hi there…time for HR. That kind of behavior by a supervisor is unacceptable. Bring your facts and be dispassionate about the facts. Let them stand…and since you’re a good employee, ask to be moved to a different supervisor. They can do that. Best of luck.


Monday, November 7, 2011

Bannach Consulting & Service / thermotron no training required field engineer-technician / manager

Tom Bannach's Experience

Bannach Consulting & Service
January 2000 – Present (11 years 11 months)

Bannach Consulting & Service specializes in:
• 2D and 3D mechanical, electrical, HVAC drafting and design services for the manufacturing industry
• Consulting services for general CAD drafting and design projects, CAD standards creation and CAD conversions
Application Engineer
J.V.H. Consultancy b.v.b.a. (Sole Proprietorship)
Sole Proprietorship; Myself Only; Automotive industry
2008 – 2009 (1 year)

(un-self employed)13 years

Service manager (1982-1985)(3 years)
Thermotron Industries
Privately Held; 201-500 employees; Machinery industry
1968 – 1998 (technician-27 years)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

john tenBrink thermotron training

john tenbrink spent about 8 hours a day in the bar, when he was at thermotron , putting in time as a field service engineer, bob wiley was another ..

john tenbring couldn't fine any one to hire him out side of the bob wiley gang,

the Croney ism gang, john thought he was a "ladies man"

Dick alverson said john tenbrink was backstabbing his co-workers, and Thomas Patterson couldn't figure it out .. ESPEC.. we hire perverts

skill and ability was not required at thermotron,

Are--You-- a Good--Liar???

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

thermotron manager training

Ask Randy Hirdes about his manager training, Gee don't you want to work 4-- Me !!!

or John TenBrink, "Old Bob" is as smart as a fox !! Ron Wiley: i'm a good liar !!

thomas bannach bragged that everyone would believe his lies

Gregory V Johnson bragged that it didn't matter what you said about your co-workers or what you did to them so long as you got away with it,

Searching for "photo liar liar pants fire"?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

thermotron training -4-prophet- embezzlement

hil sysbesma was teaching me that ,.. embezzlement was not really stealing ..
but it's called working the system..

tom bannach called it... "bury that expense" because everyone steals a little bit!!

so it's A-OK..His pet gregory v johnson , bragged he wasn't as big-a-thief as hill-da-whore.. and if you lived a "Honest" life you were a fool! (he and thomas bannach drummed out all his co-workers)

He "daily" robbed thermotron customer's , thomas bannach was told this by his co-workers.. so he "drummed" out those employee's.. it's ok 2-b- currupt..

Being a thermotron "thief" on the west coast is "normal", ask all temp engineering, they were factory trained liars !!, mitch kerr may "accuse you of being a backstabber" if expose a thief or robber..

Thursday, September 29, 2011

(the language of ) Thermotron seminar training

know how to treat your co-workers in management

Monday, September 26, 2011

Thermotron Industries is the leading manufacturer of environmental test chambers

Field Service: Refrigeration

Thermotron Industries is the leading manufacturer of environmental test chambers. Our Equipment is based on electro-mechanical systems and refrigeration systems. We are currently looking for Field Service Engineers to install, maintain, troubleshoot and repair our equipment at customer sites within their defined territory.

The areas available are
St. Petersburg, FL
Indianapolis, IN
Redondo Beach, CA
Milwaukee, WI
Long Island, NY
Detroit, MI

Please google Thermotron for more information about our products and services

Don't Wait, join our winning team!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

THERMOTRON Jobs That Don't Require a College Degree


Manufacturing Jobs That Don't Require a College Degree

July 2011

There are jobs all over the place for people with experience, good skills and a college degree.

If you don't have all three of those, particularly if you don't have a college degree, landing employment can be trickier. Here's an idea.

Thermotron Industries in Holland is holding an open interview day on July 13, looking for as many as 20 people to work in its assembly areas.

No college degree required - although you have to have a high school diploma or a GED and it helps to have gone to community college because these jobs require the ability to think.

You don't need and Education to work at Thermotron..

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

thermotron employment / Field Service Engineer/ GED required

Hi--- turn over is not a problem, getting new Blood, is A-Ok

our field service engineers .. are not really engineers,

WE JUST CALL THEM THAT>> 2--make them "feel" Good!!

Field Service Engineer: Detroit, MI

Field Service Engineer: Detroit, MI PURPOSE OF POSITION: The purpose of this position is to continuously grow revenue and prof... Detroit, MI 09.04.11

Field Service Refrigeration

Field Service Refrigeration Field Service Engineers. (Refrigeration) From preventive maintenance, initial chamber start to e... Long Island, NY 09.03.11

Field Service: Refrigeration

Field Service: Refrigeration Thermotron Industries is the leading manufacturer of environmental test chambers. Our Equipment is... Milwaukee, WI 09.03.11

Field Service: Refrigeration

Field Service: Refrigeration Thermotron Industries is the leading manufacturer of environmental test chambers. Our Equipment is... Redondo Beach, CA 09.03.11

Field Service: Refrigeration

Field Service: Refrigeration Thermotron Industries is the leading manufacturer of environmental test chambers. Our Equipment is... Saint Petersburg, FL 09.03.11
Field Service Refrigeration: Indianapolis

Field Service Refrigeration Thermotron Industries is the leading manufacturer of environmental test chambers. Our Equipment is... Indianapolis, IN 07.27.11

Printed Circuit Board Design
to design Printed Circuit boards and create unique layouts for multilayer control and instrumentation boards. Thermotron Ins an "... Holland, MI 08.18.11

Marketing Support Administrator
office equipment. • Willing and able to lift and carry marketing literature weighing up to 20 lbs. Thermotron Industries is a... Holland, MI 08.15.11

Mechanical Designer
able to travel between Thermotron ‘s facilities as... of time. Inventor Experience is helpful Thermotron Industries is an "Equ... Holland, MI 08.15.11

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

thermotron non-compete contract, for sales engineer's and field service employees

When Hil sybesma left thermotron's sales "team" thermotron filed a 1.2 million dollar non-compete clause against him..

it is illegal to require this for empoloyment but thermotron did this with field service engineer's and sales guy's

As hil sybesma stated

" it is one thing 4 them 2 know about it, it's another thing to "prove it"

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Thursday, March 18, 2010
Is Hiring Salespeople From Your Competitors Always the Right Thing to Do?

I recently ran across an article by Lee B. Salz titled

"Beware of Hiring Your Competitor's Sales People".

Lee makes some great points on why focusing purely on hiring salespeople from competitors in your industry is a bad idea.

While I'm not totally against hiring salespeople from your competitors, I certainly agree with Lee's main points in his article.

If you are a salesperson making a transition to another company in the same industry, you definitely need to have a great explanation ready for your customers (especially if this involves bringing your old customers over to your new company). "I'm making better money" would not be a great answer. "My company was sold, so I'm not sure what the future will hold for either one of us" would be an example of a great explanation. Whatever the circumstances, make sure your message is very clear to your customers on why you are leaving.

Please check out Lee's article by clicking here.
Posted by From the Author: Will Fultz at 6:43 PM 20 comments Links to this post
Labels: beware, competitor, hiring, Lee B. Salz, right, salespeople, sure things

Monday, December 7, 2009

Should I Trust My Sales Manager’s Advice?

A good portion of salespeople wonder at some point during their tenure with a company as to whether or not they should trust their sales manager’s advice. I wanted to tackle this issue head-on this month as this is an important subject which impacts all salespeople.

Generally speaking, you should trust your sales manager’s advice. However, this doesn’t mean you should stick your head in the sand when he or she gives you advice, either. It is always important to weigh their advice and mix in your own experience & knowledge before taking action. It is also a good idea to engage your sales manager with your own thoughts after you have been given his or her advice. After all, two heads are certainly better than one. Issues and problems which come up when working in a sales capacity can be complicated, so never be afraid to seek out your sales manager’s opinion before moving forward.

If you know for a fact that your sales manager’s advice cannot be trusted, I would think very seriously about continuing with your present employer. At the very least, you might want to consider making a lateral move within the company. Poor sales managers who give bad advice will ultimately not only impact your moral in a negative way, but will also impact your sales numbers and income at some point in the future, too.

While the majority of sales managers do a good job, there are still far too many sales managers who fall into the “poor” category. This can even sometimes happen at companies where the company is great but the sales manager seems to sabotage sales at every stage of the game because he or she is a poor manager in general. Whatever the case may be, it is always a bad idea to continue working for a manager who doesn’t know what it really takes to sell or is simply incompetent.

The bottom line is that you ultimately need to trust your sales manager to sustain long-term success. Don’t be afraid to seek out their advice when you need it. And if you can’t trust your sales manager, you need to move on to another company or make a position change within the same company.
Posted by From the Author: Will Fultz at 7:34 AM 19 comments Links to this post
Labels: advice, incompetent, my, sales manager, salespeople, trust
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Consistent Salespeople Retain Customers
I have had the fortunate opportunity to have lived on both coasts and the Midwest in my adult life. I also lived abroad in Asia for year. I have been to every region of the country at one point or another, and visited many states in-between them. Of all the national chains around, there is one business in particular which always seems to be the same no matter where they are operating.

That business is McDonald's. No, I’m not here to pitch their food, service, or nutritional information. What I will say, however, is that they are certainly a model of consistency we should all immolate as salespeople.

Think about it. Do you ever wonder if the food at McDonald’s is going to make you sick? Do you worry about their restroom being dirty? Do you worry about the food not tasting the same when you are half way across the country eating at one of their restaurants for the first time? In my experience, these thoughts never arise as they maintain a high degree of standards which are followed by each and every franchise owner. No matter where you are, you know what you are getting when you pull up to the “golden arches”.

This leads me to my next point. Do your customers know what to expect from you when a problem arises? What is their expectation of you when it comes to keeping them up to date on your new products or services which can benefit their company? Do you maintain consistent communication with your customers or just show up when you think your business with them is “on the rocks”? Do you trash your competitors in conversations with your customers, or do you operate like a real sales pro?

Displaying consistent confidence in areas such as those I mentioned above will keep your customers in a business relationship with you more than anything else. After all, do you really think your customer wants to take a chance on a new company & new salesperson when they already have confidence in you and know what to expect? Can you see how being consistent with your customers will negate price, service, and quality to certain extent?

Being consistent sounds easy on paper, but is hard to practice in reality. If you can be consistent in the way your operate as a salesperson, however, you will keep your competitors from taking away your customers. And if you cannot retain business with the vast majority of your customers, you will ultimately find it impossible to sustain any substantial sales growth.
Posted by From the Author: Will Fultz at 8:33 PM 6 comments Links to this post
Labels: consistent, customers, growth, McDonald's, retain, salespeople
Friday, September 25, 2009
Industry Experience & Formal Education Levels are Overrated When It Comes to Finding Successful Salespeople
Industry experience and individual education levels are often overrated when it comes to hiring new salespeople. Passionate, motivated, and goal-driven individuals are far more likely to achieve sales success regardless of their industry experience or education level.

This is not just my opinion, either. A recent article posted on the Gallup Management Journal confirms this, too. Studies have shown that hiring salespeople with more industry experience or higher education levels does very little to improve a sales team's results over the long-term. Instead, companies that are succeeding in this economy with their sales team are going after the top talent and nurturing their own top performers.

I'm certainly not trying to deter anyone from gaining industry experience or obtaining more formal education. However, this is not the driving force in what makes an individual salesperson successful.

For more information on this very important topic and debate, please check out the Gallup Management Journal article when you get a chance.
Posted by From the Author: Will Fultz at 12:46 PM 9 comments Links to this post
Labels: education level, Gallup, goal-driven, industry experience, passionate, salepeople
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Sales Happenings Around the Web...
Yes – I am still alive. Many of you emailed me, and I want to apologize for posting so little in the last couple of months. I’m planning on getting back to providing some really good material here on Top Sales Blog between now and the end of the year. Unfortunately, I have been very busy in other ventures as of late – but hope to get back on the “horse” very soon as sales theory & discussion is my passion.

First, I wanted to give a quick “shout out” to Brad Trnavsky over at Sales Management 2.0. Brad has launched a new Sales E-Book that is really good, and I would encourage you to get his free download when you get an opportunity. The book is on Sales 2.0, so if you are interested in Sales 2.0 you should definitely take advantage of it. If you don’t know what Sales 2.0 is or have never heard of it, you most certainly need to download this book to get up to speed with your competitors!

Also, on top of having the best community sales management website – Brad is backing this up by also having the best sales podcast on the web, too. Please make sure to check out the Sales Management 2.0 podcast. He is posting a 45-60 minute interview every week from published authors and sales experts from around the web focusing on specific topics. It is not just for sales management folks, either. If you work in sales in any capacity whatsoever, I would encourage you to give his sales podcast a visit. I really enjoyed his recent interview with Tom Schaber. is offering a free B-to-B Intelligence Day on Aug 26. If you are looking for leads (as all salespeople and sales managers should be!), you should take part in this free trial. You will have free and unlimited access to deep intelligence on 45 million professionals at 5 million companies for a 24-hour period. Please visit the Sign-Up Page to get on the list.

A new book coming out that I will be reading is Own the Room: Business Presentations that Persuade, Engage, and Get Results by Deborah Shames and David Booth. The following is a "teaser" which was communicated to me about the book:

These tips go against the grain of traditional presentation advice, but they work. For example:

•Having a CEO present alone is often the worst mistake you can make.
•Don’t open with a joke! You’re not that funny.
•Don’t lead with your name and your business. No one will remember you.
•The goal of your presentation is always to persuade, not to educate.
•You must have a specific role, and it should NOT be an “expert.”

For more information on the authors and Own the Room, please visit:
Posted by From the Author: Will Fultz at 8:17 PM 4 comments Links to this post
Labels: Brad Trnavsky, David Booth, Deborah Shames, Own the Room, Sales 2.0, Sales Management, Zoom Info
Friday, July 10, 2009
Give Em’ the “Goodies” in Your Presentation
Good presentations can be extremely effective when trying to “turn” a prospective customer. While there is usually too much emphasis that is put on this part of the sale (i.e. “the close”), it is not doubt an important part of the sales process in most cases.

When giving presentations, salespeople often spend too much time on the wrong things. For the most part, prospects really don’t care more...
Posted by From the Author: Will Fultz at 7:50 AM 4 comments Links to this post
Labels: effective, good presentations, goodies, sales
Sunday, June 14, 2009
SBU Post: Going Beyond the Usual Probing Questions
Your time in front of a prospective customer is extremely valuable. The hardest part of the sales process can sometimes be just getting quality time in front of the prospect to ask questions. When you get to this point, you definitely want to make the most of your opportunity. You never know, this might be your only chance to advance the sale.

It is a great idea to take an evening to sit down and come up with a list of some great probing questions. It’s not like you will be doing this from scratch, either. This will be the time to search your memory more...
Posted by From the Author: Will Fultz at 9:25 PM 0 comments Links to this post
Labels: probing, prospects, questions, sales, SBU post, uncover, usual
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Jamie Moyer: A Lesson in Persistence That We Can All Learn From
When I was a kid, I was the biggest baseball fan out there. I collected all the cards and knew just about every baseball player in the majors. I use to have my friends pick up a random card and name the player. Without hesitation, I could tell you his position, team, race, and some sort of statistics. While I know longer have that sort of grasp I had on the game in the mid 80's, I still remember a player named Jamie Moyer.

Jamie Moyer came into Major League Baseball in 1986. If you would have asked me in 1986 about him - I'm sure I would have told you the following:

1) He is a pitcher
2) He plays for the Cubs
3) He is white
4) He has a high E.R.A. and he is not that good

I would have been right about everything, except number #4 on my list. Well, let's just say #4 is half right...

Jamie had a rough go at it early in his career. This culminated in him being released in 1990 by the Texas Rangers. I can hardly blame the club. He had career record well below .500 and a lifetime E.R.A. that hovered close to 5.00.

Next year (1991), it got worse. His record was 0-5 and his E.R.A. was 5.74 with the St. Louis Cardinals. The Cardinals released him in the off season. He was then signed and released again by both the Cubs & Tigers in 1992 season. Jamie never even got to play a game that year in the majors.

At this point in his career, Jamie was 30 years old. Retirement had to seem at hand. He had his chance, his time should have been over.

But instead, this is where the story of persistence starts...

Jamie was signed by the Orioles in 1993 (for a 50% pay cut compared with his 1990 salary) and had a record of 12-9 with an E.R.A. of 3.43. Not only was this his best season, but it marked a year that justified him staying the majors. The 1994 & 1995 were mediocre seasons for Jamie, but he again pitched well enough to stick around.

In 1996, Jamie (at the age of 33) started having the kind of success a MLB pitcher dreams of . He went 13-3 with a 3.98 E.R.A in '96. From then on, he went 17-5 (1997), 15-9 (1998), 14-8 (1999), and 13-10 (2000).

In 2001 (at the age of 38), Jamie had his best season. He went 20-6 with an E.R.A. of 3.43. Jamie even finished #4 that year in the Cy Young Award voting in the American League. For whatever reason, however, he was not voted in as an All-Star.

Jamie didn't quit at that point. He stuck around and had an even better year in 2003, going 21-7 with an E.R.A. of 3.27. Finally, at the age of 40, Jamie made his first Major League Baseball All-Star team. Keep in mind, he had been in the majors since he was 23.

Where is Jamie today? You guessed it, he's still playing in the majors. He's also the last player left who played in the majors in 1986. Yes, he is the oldest man in baseball right now.

More importantly, you should look at his earnings. He could have quit at the age of 30 with slightly over $1,000,000.00 in lifetime earnings. Instead, he hung around long enough to earn another $67,000,000.00 in his career. Not too bad, not too bad at all.

Jamie is also in the top 50 in Major League Baseball history in wins (249) and strikeouts (2274). While currently playing for the Phillies this year, he will celebrate his 47th birthday in November. Whenever he decides to retire, he will be given Hall of Fame consideration.

If you would have asked me in 1986, who will be the only player left from this year (1986) come 2009? - Jamie Moyer would have been the last player I would have guessed. Instead, he gave me one of the best examples I have ever seen in what persistence is all about.
Posted by From the Author: Will Fultz at 8:27 PM 8 comments Links to this post
Labels: baseball, Jamie Moyer, learn from, lesson, persistence, quit
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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

All temp engineering .. just like Uuu.. Thermotron half--Ass

When fred plont was backstabbing john dane and mitch kerr the moron and idoit follower, he was corrected and then said... Gee they are just like me,

and besides we all started at thermotron in the LA service office,

and now they think they are "better " then every one else, and Me!!

and that is just not right!!!

besides i only work a couple hours a day, and charge thermotron for 8 to 10 hours a day, so it's just like i ws making Union wage..

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Thermotron / Manufacturing Jobs That Don't Require a College Degree

Jobs at Thermotron IndustriesHome

> Thermotron Industries jobs

There are jobs all over the place for people with experience, good skills and a college degree.

If you don't have all three of those, particularly if you don't have a college degree, landing employment can be trickier. Here's an idea.

Thermotron Industries in Holland is holding an open interview day , looking for as many as 20 people to work in its assembly areas. No college degree required -

although you have to have a high school diploma or a GED and

it helps to have gone to community college because these jobs require the ability to think on your feet.

Field Service: Refrigeration

Thermotron Industries - Saint Petersburg, FL

Field Service: Refrigeration Thermotron Industries is the leading manufacturer of environmental test chambers. Our Equipment is based on electro-mechanical systems and refrigeration systems. We are currently looking for Field Service Engineers to install, maintain, troubleshoot a... - August 18 - Save - Send to a friend

Field Service: Refrigeration

Thermotron Industries - Redondo Beach, CA

Field Service: Refrigeration Thermotron Industries is the leading manufacturer of environmental test chambers. Our Equipment is based on electro-mechanical systems and refrigeration systems. We are currently looking for Field Service Engineers to install, maintain, troubleshoot a... - August 18 - Save - Send to a friend

Field Service Refrigeration

Thermotron Industries - Long Island, NY

Field Service Refrigeration Field Service Engineers. (Refrigeration) From preventive maintenance, initial chamber start to emergency breakdown repairs, the US Field Service team provide expert assistance throughout The U.S. and Globally for the life of our equipment. To that end ... - August 18 - Save - Send to a friend

Field Service Engineer: Detroit, MI

Thermotron Industries - Detroit, MI

Field Service Engineer: Detroit, MIPURPOSE OF POSITION:The purpose of this position is to continuously grow revenue and profits through building service sales volume. Actively and continuously involved in preventive maintenance contracts, retrofits, extended warranties, installat... - August 14 - Save - Send to a friend

Field Service: Refrigeration

Thermotron Industries - Milwaukee, WI

Field Service: Refrigeration Thermotron Industries is the leading manufacturer of environmental test chambers. Our Equipment is based on electro-mechanical systems and refrigeration systems. We are currently looking for Field Service Engineers to install, maintain, troubleshoot a... - August 14 - Save - Send to a friend

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Thermotron--What Are Some Examples Of Defamation By An Employer?

What Are Some Examples Of Defamation By An Employer?

1. At thermotron the manager's bragged that if a worker did a good job they would lie and say they did a "bad" job.

2.. If a worker needs help .. lie and say that they don't really need help and then blame the problems on their ability.

3.. At thermotron it's ok 2 lie and cheat a little bit every- day because everyone here is like that..

4.. At thermotron .. at the annual performance review.. find something you can blame on the employee and make a "big-deal" about it.. and tell them. we'll do another review in 6 months.. (but we won't really")

5... at thermotron .. tell them that they have a "Attitude" problem..

6... At thermotron tell the worker that every one is the manager .. and quality is every one's job.. and 2 keep an "eye" on your co-worker..

7.. At thermotron Embezzlement is not really stealing..

it's called "Working the system"

Although you will want to consult with an attorney to determine whether your exact situation is sufficient to support a cause of action for defamation, a few examples of possible situations that are likely to result in a successful claim are:

* An employer falsely portraying a former employee as an individual who discriminated against a certain class of people (i.e. African Americans, gays)

* An employer falsely alleging that an employee made threatening statements, firing him, and then telling future employers that employee had a history of making such statements

* An employer telling a third party that his former employee had done a bad job when there was substantial evidence to the contrary

* An employer telling a third party that a former employee's constant alcohol abuse makes him not dependable as an employee

Thermotron My Former Employer Made False Defamatory Statements About Me That Has Cost Me A New Potential Job - Do I Need An Attorney?

Your best option is to contact an employment law attorney. Your attorney can advise you of your rights and let you know if you may be entitled to collect compensation in a lawsuit against your former employer.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Thermotron Jobs That Don't Require a College Degree

Work your way up the ladder of success !!! one-rung-at-a-time

Don't wait --get on board !!! start your carreer at the bottom !!

Manufacturing Jobs That Don't Require a College Degree, management,

Sales, Field service engineer, General manager..Branch manager, field sales engineer, human resourses specialist.. are some of the options

July 2011
Categories: In the News


There are jobs all over the place for people with experience, good skills and a college degree.

If you don't have all three of those, particularly if you don't have a college degree, landing employment can be trickier. Here's an idea.

Thermotron Industries in Holland is holding an open interview day on July 13, looking for as many as 20 people to work in its assembly areas.

No college degree required -

you have to have a high school diploma or a GED

it helps to have gone to community college because these jobs require the ability to think.

Thermotron designs and builds test chambers and vibration equipment that is used to test what its customers in such industries as automotive, electronic, cell phone and batteries manufacture and sell, explains Human Resources Manager Elaine Johnson.

Some of the test chambers are as small as a microwave oven and some are as big as a two-car garage. There is no assembly line as such, but people work in teams and Johnson says that someone who gets along well with others and who is able to work collaboratively will do best.

In the past, Thermotron has recruited workers from the Grand Rapids Community College HVAC training program because what people learn there about heating and refrigeration translates well into what they'll do at Thermotron.

Johnson says that at next week's open interview day, she'll be looking for both people with experience and people who will need some training. She is especially interested in finding experienced welders and people who have worked installing air conditioners and furnaces in residential and commercial environments.

"We are looking for people who are eager to learn, have a good work ethic and a stable work history -- although we take into account what the economy has done to some people," Johnson says.

Pay starts at $10 per hour
for beginners and increases for more experienced people.

thermotron expects a-lot for 10 bucks an hour!)

All shifts are available and most of the jobs are full time with benefits.

Monday, August 1, 2011

thomas bannach manager training (GED required)

When thomas bannach was on the west coast, he pitted one employee against the other "telling them 2 keep an eye on some other guy, because they "had a problem"

When he would call up and "beep" they wouldn't answer the beep !! so he had employee's switch "pager" beepers , and the problem was "NOT" solved,

because every-1 was also lying -2-him!!

Just tell idoit-boy that your "pager" didn't go off, and the phone dosen't work.

or the customer lied , or your co-worker is lying , or they didn't show up ,
just make a "thousand" Excuses... at thermotron .. ever-1 is a liar !!

Thomas Bannach really was a Dumb-Ass! And a Pervert !!

the word was out.. Tell the Dumb-Ass-what- ever-he-want's 2-hear !

it dosen't matter if it is True-or not-- !!

After thermotron let-him-go-- (fired him)

it took him 10 years to find another job..

But finally he found another place where he-could-fit-IN-!!
in the industry !

Bad Boss Backstabber / thermotron manager training

Thermotron ,

is't ok 2-lie about what is happening,

Manager's at thermotron , make-up stories to support the view that the

employee "has a bad attitude". or a attitude problem

Either you go-along-with -it- or they will attack you..

Gee is it going 2 break your heart when they are gone!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Ronald Lampen will take the helm of Thermotron Industries

HOLLAND -- Ronald Lampen will take the helm of Thermotron Industries, North America's leading supplier of environmental test equipment, the Holland company announced Tuesday.

Lampen will take over as president Wednesday, succeeding Daniel O'Keefe, who is retiring as president and chief operations officer.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Geee i didn't want -2-lie-- but they told me -2 , What could i Do,oooo?

Teaching: THE FEAR OF THE LORD by Mildred Rescar

But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the polluted, as for murderers,
fornicators, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their lot shall be in
the lake that burns with fire and sulphur, which is the second death
Revelation 21:8

Another painful punishment of unbelievers will be getting dragged
on their faces into Hell. God says:”Indeed, the criminals are
in error and madness

“In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that
obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.” —2nd Thessalonians 1:8

thermotron management training

They Loved The Darkness Rather Than The Light

"And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God" (John 3:19-21)

Friday, July 22, 2011

how 2 spot a thermotron liar

When thomas Bannach would lie to his co-workers, Hil sybesma stated it was hard to "pull-th-wool- over Eyes.!!

Hil sybesma stated he had the same "problem" as thomas bannach,

Problem": he wanted to lie,deceive, cheat his co-workers and the customer's , BUT he still wanted "other people" to "LIKE " him, 2 -fit-in !!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

thomas bannach manager training (GED required)

high turn over with a bad manager, Geee he has a problem getting along with people, Dean Tripp said "thomas bannach has a personality conflict with people that don't tell him what he "wants" to hear.

thermotron human resourses, Tamera kennedy

Monday, July 18, 2011

Thermotron training by thomas patterson (ESPEC)

i was trained by thomas patterson at thermotron, He replaced Bob Wiley as a National Service Manager..

My Review stated i need to spend more time in a "Bar" with john Tenbrink, and David Durham, and get into the game by false-a-ing my time .. 2-fit-in..

Dick alverson said "he knew john and dave were lying about their co-workers, because he ws their on that job." and he knew their "GAME"

When i worked with him again at Russles Technical Products.. he instructed me that "after you lie,cheat, and defraud" the 1st 500 people it gets easer..

i quit there after Bill Bench told me it didn't matter if the equipment worked or not, my job was to just "deceive the customer and get them to sign -off-on-the-equipment!!.. Guess what the Character of bill bench is ??? DUH ???

This is the requirement to FIT-IN- and work at ESPEC chamber company--- bob wiley and john tenbrink proved that 2-B- the type of person they hire.
When marty rich worked with john tenbrink at ESPEC, john would lead him astray, then run behind his back , and "rat-him-out" in the effort to "Look-Good"
Bob Wiley being a liar and a drunk, would believe john tenbrinks lies.

oh bob wiley did tell his "inner" circle that "it was OK 2 lie about what 's going on" so long as they didn't get him in "trouble"

ron wiley told me that the family story was that Bob Wiley started the company ESPEC chamber company, that it was a "spin-off" of Sexton Industries

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

10 years after being "let-go" He's BAck, from-the-dead

that's right after being "let-GO" from thermotron.. and 30 years of showing u-p-and-collecting a pay-CK

Thomas bannach is back in the game... because they are all currupt !

and he sure has proven that --2---B--true !!

your replacement is here !! when you call on tom... U can be--Bannashed !!

The long--wait--is over ---

Thomas Bannach, EST Testing Solutions, Zeeland, Manufacturing ...

when old people die--and move on-- u can be bannashed...and raised from the dead - CachedThomas Bannach, EST Testing Solutions, Zeeland, -

Business Contact Information in Jigsaw's business directory. Jigsaw's business directory provides complete ...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

thermotron seminar training

Seminar held at Hope College in Holland, Michigan

Our service seminar is an intensive 3 or 3-1/2 day technical learning conference, held at Hope College, in Holland, Michigan. Seminar classes are tailored to environmental test equipment operators and maintenance technicians. Classes are instructed by Thermotron Engineers, Designers, Testers and Field Service Technicians.

There are two tracks to choose from: Environmental Test Equipment or Vibration Systems. There are also two options: A or B. Both options include all the classes listed below but Option B includes a bonus half-day of on-hands training. Seats for Option B are limited, so sign up today!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Service Engineers/ GED required

Field Service Engineer (Refrigeration)
Location: South East
Salary: Competitive + Bonus depending on experience.
Contract: Permanent
Hours: Full-Time
Contact: Paul Bryant at Thermotron Industries
Reference: FSE-1
Date Posted: 4th June 2011

Service Engineers - Refrigeration

Thermotron industries is one of the world's leading manufacturer of environmental testing and simulation equipment. Our test chambers are used in a multitude of applications such as avionics, telecommunications, satellites and the defence industry.

In order to keep up with our growing sales we need another Field Service Engineer to join our team to provide an installation and maintenance service to our customers in the South East and with trips to Europe.

If you are a refrigeration engineer and want to progress with a technically advanced company we would like to hear from you.
Email: via the apply online button

Field Service Refrigeration

Company:Thermotron Industries Salary:Competitive Wage and Bonus

From preventive maintenance, initial chamber start to emergency breakdown repairs, the UK Field Service team provide expert assistance throughout Europe for the life of our equipment. To that end we need more Field Service Engineers. So, If you are a...

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25 days ago from: JobisJob

Sunday, June 12, 2011

ESPEC chamber company.. need help?

Thomas patterson is always willing to give you help

but he dosen;t say anything bad about the currupt people he has worked with..

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

THERMOTRON ...Field Service Engineer... GED... REQUIRED

Field Service Engineer... GED... REQUIRED

Thermotron Industries Inc - Houston, TX (26 days ago)

“ Take your Technical Skills to the Next Level” Thermotron Industries is looking for a dynamic Field Service Engineer to install, maintain, repair and troubleshoot our Test Chamber Equipment in a Houston based territory. We are looking for service engineers with varied equipment experience. Yet, strong experience in Commercial or Industrial refrigeration is preferred. Thermotron Industries is the ...

full job description

Field Service Engineer

Thermotron Industries Inc - Newark, NJ (26 days ago)

“ Take your Technical Skills to the Next Level” Thermotron Industries is looking for a dynamic Field Service Engineer to install, maintain, repair and troubleshoot our Test Chamber Equipment in a NY/NJ based territory.

We are looking for service engineers with varied equipment experience. Yet, strong experience in Commercial or Industrial refrigeration is preferred. Thermotron Industries is the le...
full job description