Sunday, October 16, 2011

thermotron training -4-prophet- embezzlement

hil sysbesma was teaching me that ,.. embezzlement was not really stealing ..
but it's called working the system..

tom bannach called it... "bury that expense" because everyone steals a little bit!!

so it's A-OK..His pet gregory v johnson , bragged he wasn't as big-a-thief as hill-da-whore.. and if you lived a "Honest" life you were a fool! (he and thomas bannach drummed out all his co-workers)

He "daily" robbed thermotron customer's , thomas bannach was told this by his co-workers.. so he "drummed" out those employee's.. it's ok 2-b- currupt..

Being a thermotron "thief" on the west coast is "normal", ask all temp engineering, they were factory trained liars !!, mitch kerr may "accuse you of being a backstabber" if expose a thief or robber..

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