Thursday, December 27, 2007

old bob wiley

You are right!!

Well i certainly have seen a lot of tricks in how to work the system in this chamber business..

now the kid i worked with in california .. robbed and embezzled about 50 thousand dollars..

When i Got the the Boeing job with Bob Wiley in charge.. john tenbrink demenstrated that Old Bob is as smart as a fox..

it was ok be be drunk on the job and falsefy your working hours.. and dave drumham called his co-workers "Backstabbers"

if they didn't agree with him..

Gregory v johnson had ... as hil sysbesma said .. " he had tom bannish around his little finger"..

He said who ever tell tom bannish what ever lies he wants to hear is right..

and tom Bannich encouraged deceit and dishonesty.. with his "Every one is the Manager"

when i asked TB what he ment by that he said .. "Well that's the problem"

(TB really is a disease)

and as he demenstrated when he comes to town there is a new level of curruption..

gregory v johnson he started his carreer by being the neighbor hood thief and bugler.. he showed me all the housed he robbed when we were in Pasandia visiting his mother..

Tom bannash loved his lies..he was his pet false wittness

But Enseco Fired him within 6 months.. for robbery.. embezzelment etc..

Mitch Kerr form all temp engineering told me that the word was out and that gregory V wouldn't get any work in that valley any more.

He also told me how therMoTron had not payed them for about 50,000 dollars of warrenty work..billed to them..

I told him that with all the different embezzlers and thieves he has worked with .. that does not seem out of character of that company.

greg was typical for a tom bannich pet

it may seem high ..but after Rouloff's removed the salesman bo bjarno.. then the sky was the limit..his 10 thousand a year went to about 20 thousand..

5 securtaries, the 2 sales man , and my self told .. bannach about it... but i learned a big lesson about that management style ..

harrasement, lying, and drumming out people = (equals) basic dis-honesty

You can't tell a Dummy anything .. "That's why they are called Dummies"

As tom bannish said"every one is the manager" ..

which of course means there is no manager.. just lying back stabbers.

and spinless guttless wonders

Heck i asked the upper management what they budgeted for thief and embezzelment, and asked if they were some kind of mafa operation. or were a money laundering operation..

But you are right..

If lying , robbery and embezzelment is still the standard than i would not be a fit..

Cheers.. and happy new year


A man was sitting at a bar whose selling point was that it was on top of the largest skyscraper in town.

Another man walks in and asks the bartender for a Jack Daniel's. He downs it, and then takes a running leap out the window.

Much to everybody's surprise, he floats back up and climbs through the window back into the bar.

The man at the bar is amazed and asks the man how he did it.

"Easy," says the man. "Outside this window are some very strong wind currents which can carry you back to the window."

"Wow," says the man at the bar. "I gotta try this." He takes a running leap out the window and falls to a horrible, bloody, and flat death.

"Goodness, Superman," says the bartender.

"You can be a real a jerk when you're drunk."

HA HA HA.. as Shelly said in parts

it was just politics !!

(she worked with Ester Hamstra) and jerry sinzack, when i met jerry's wife at the clinic she said theRmoTron didn't give out raises.. they gave people "titles"

>Subject: Re: say something nice >
Date: Fri, 4 Jan

Hi P >Happy New Year!

You haven't said anything that's offended me so no apology necessary.

It's hard for any of us to have the proper positive attitude right now. >

I have never seen this severe of a drop in business.

Going way back to "81 I remember that a large Boeing order literally kept us afloat for the year.

I bet you remember that too. > Old Bob wiley.. "I don't think any kind of critism can be constructive ! (how about not showing up drunk on the job? bob)

We were holding our own but slowing until Sept.11 and then the bottom dropped out.

It's extremely frustrating that the attack was such a terrible immediate human tragedy and also an unbelievable emotional and economic effect as well. >

It looks as though you picked a good time to exit our industry.

Do you find teaching rewarding?

I'm sure there are frustrations but hopefully there are some rewards and success stories also. >

There have been several times over the years that other of our friends have sought to come back to the industry that I have really not been able to decide if helping them to return was really doing them a favor or not.

In retrospect I think that most were better off in the long run in another, more stable- less competitive industry. > >

Let's all have a better year!!

Subject: say something nice > > >

"Hey, Nice Tie'' > > A man walks into a bar, sits down, and orders a drink. >

"Hey, nice tie!" comes out of nowhere.

He looks up at the bartender to see if he had said anything, but since he was on the other side of the bar the man just ignores it. >

"Hey! Nice shirt!" The man looks up but, again, the bartender is engaged elsewhere. >

"Hey! Nice suit!"

The man then calls the bartender over and asks him if he keeps talking to him. > > >

"It's not me,

it's the complimentary peanuts." >

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