Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Power of self-deception, Bannach a-christian/satan family tradition

If you come across a Hollan Michigan Whore Bannach they like to believe the LIE that they were raised in a "christian": family

Self-deception is a trade-mark of a Holland Michigan whore..

Thomas Bannach: was the patriarch of this family and he promoted
Promotion (marketing)

Key concepts

Brand management

Marketing ethics.. as Dean tripp said ..

Thomas Bannach didn't have any morals or ethics, he would do "what ever is-easest "

Marketing effectiveness..Every-one lies and cheats a -little-bit- so-it-is-"normal"

Market research.. "that's what i heard!"

Market segmentation... "All companies are Currupt"

Marketing strategy... tell every one "you lied 4 them

Marketing management.. Gather a group/gan of false "wittnesses"

Market dominance "that's my story and i'm sticking with it!"

Promotional content

Advertising • Branding • Underwriting

Direct marketing • Personal Sales

Product placement • Publicity
Sales promotion • Sex in advertising

Word of mouth


Promotion is one of the four elements of marketing mix

It is the communication link between sellers and buyers for the purpose of influencing informing,

or persuading a potential buyer's purchasing decision.[1]

The following are some types of Promotion

used in the Environmental chamber business,

at Thermotron, Russles technical products, Espec, Tenny chamber company, All Temp Engineering, and EST testing solutions.

lying,cheating,deceiving,defrauding,stealing, embezzling, and lible and slandering your co-workers

it was and is "OK" to steal and rob the customer or co-workers.. because every-one is like that

Originally a patriarch was a man who exercised autocratic authority as a pater familias over an extended family.

The system of such rule of families by senior males is called patriarchy.

This is a Greek word, a composition of πατήρ (pater) meaning "father" and ἄρχων (archon) meaning "leader", "chief", "ruler", "king", etc.

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are referred to as the three patriarchs of the people of Israel, and the period in which they lived is called the Patriarchal Age.

It originally acquired its religious meaning in the Septuagint version of the Bible.[1]

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