Monday, April 5, 2010

Rosanne Rosanna Danna: "It's always something( at thermotron)

Rosanne Rosanna Danna: "It's always something

Well, you sound like a real attractive guy. You belong in New Jersey. But I know exactly what you're going through, cause once, I, Roseanne Rosannadanna quit smoking.

To get back in shape, I had to join one of those fancy shmancy health clubs. You know, the ones where it's really expensive to join but it's worth it because you get to see alot of people that you don't know naked.

Like some people got them bulgy, bulgy thighs, the ones that get chafed just 'cause they're always scraping together.

And there's other people there that got them funny bellybuttons. Like some go in, and some go out, some are like a ball, or curl around, or it's like a little knob on it like a door.

Some people even got little pieces of their sweater still in it. Some of them even look like a little shell or a clam or something you don't know what they are. But personally, I, Roseanne Rosanndanna, don't like to walk around with no clothes on in front of other people.

Not that I don't have a great body, but why should I waste it on a bunch of fat ladies in a health club? Anyway, they got this thing there that's a little room that's hot inside and you go in there to sweat like a pig. So I go in there, but before I sit down, I put this clean towel on the bench 'cause there's alot of people been there and you don't know where they been. But who do you think is sitting next to me but Dr. Joyce Brothers.

That very smart pixie lady who thinks she knows everything. But what this nude psycologist didn't know was that she had this little, teeny, tiny ball of sweat right here, hanging off the tip of her nose.

It was just hanging there! It wouldn't fall off! Like if she turned her head, it wouldn't fall off.

If she stood up it didn't fall off, if she stretched it wouldn't come off, and when she picked little pieces of her sweater out of her bellybutton it wouldn't fall off. That little sweat ball just wouldn't fall off.

So I yelled at her, I said, "Hey, Doctor! Flick that sweat ball off your nose!

What are you trying to do, make me sick?"

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