Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Of Monsters and Men - Little Talks / Thermotron manager training former

rememb er every here is just like you ! Get your training and move on-- no body "trusts" a thermotron employee , Bad character is required

Monday, June 11, 2012

thermotron Backstabbing bosses and callous co-workers

Project Title: Backstabbing bosses and callous co-workers:

An examination of the experience of working with a psychopath.Image as described above

Project Title: Backstabbing bosses and callous co-workers:

An examination of the experience of working with a psychopath.Investigator:

JanelleDepartment of Psychology

Carleton University


Dr. Adelle ForthDepartment of PsychologyCarleton University1-613-520-2600 ext 1267adelle_forth@carleton.ca

This informed consent form is designed to explain to you the study’s purpose and the required tasks and additional information to allow you to decide whether or not you wish to participate in the study.

Please take the time to read this information carefully.

This study has been approved by the Carleton University Ethics Committee for Psychological Research (Approval number 2012-072).Study purpose and required tasks:

This study was designed to assess the impacts and effects of working with a psychopath.

Little research has been conducted in this field and the findings will inform mental health professionals, human resource professionals, and the general public. Self-report questionnaires are included in the study, along with a few open-ended questions.

You will be required to rate your boss, co-worker/peer, or subordinate on psychopathic traits and you will be asked several questions about your relationship and experience of working with them.

Other questions include demographics, coping, support, and the effect the relationship has had on your mental and physical health.
Duration and location:

The interview will take approximately 1.5 hours to complete. The study can be completed online at suveymonkey.comPlease complete the study in an area where the psychopath is not present and preferably not in your work environment.

Potential risks/discomfort: Several of the questions in the study ask you about your experience of working with the psychopath. This experience may have been traumatic or stressful for you and you may experience distress when answering these questions. You may skip any questions you do not feel comfortable answering, or stop the study at any point and decide whether you would like to continue at another time or discontinue the study. Internet safety is another concern.

Survey Monkey (the study’s web source) cannot access any of your personal information, however, others who have access to your computer might be able to track Internet sites visited on your computer or web browser. To address this, the highest security settings were selected on Survey Monkey and a website about Internet safety is provided to you at the end of the study.

We also ask that you complete the study in a safe location where the psychopath is not present.Anonymity and Confidentiality: To maintain your anonymity no names or identifying information will be collected. Only Dr. Adelle Forth (supervisor) and myself will have access to the information. All data will be kept on an external drive in a locked room to which only I have access. The data collected will be used for my Master’s thesis and research publications. No identifying information will be published or shared.

Right to withdraw: Your decision to participate is completely voluntary and you may withdraw from the study at any point. Because your participation is anonymous, if you were referred to the study by a support website for survivors of psychopaths the referring websites will not be aware of your involvement.

To ensure your safety, information regarding how to keep others who may have access to your computer from discovering that you’ve visited the study’s website, information is provided in a debriefing form which you will receive when you finish or leave the study.

Also the highest security options were chosen when creating the online study.If you have any ethical concerns or any other concerns you can contact:

Department of Psychology Chair: Dr. Anne Bowker at 613-520-2600 ext. 8218, anne_bowker@carleton.ca

Psychology Research Ethics Chair: Dr. Monique Sénéchal at 613-520-2600 ext. 1155, monique_senechal@carleton.caBy clicking on the “Agree” button below,

I certify that I have read and understand the information above and agree to participate in the study.

*1. By clicking on the “Agree” button below, I certify that I have read and understand the information above and agree to participate in the study

.By clicking on the “Agree” button below, I certify that I have read and understand the information above and agree to participate in the study. Agree

Friday, June 8, 2012

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Magic Show with "All Temp Engineering", John Dane and Mitch Kerr (former thermotron employee)

Yes mom there is life after Thermotron, get your Field Service engineer training