Sunday, November 25, 2007

thermotron 15 will get u 20

hello.. yes teaching school last year and this year was refreshing, some days it was hard

but man oh man.. on the growing number of good days,

it was great teaching elementary students 3rd and 4th grade..

Teaching them science , math, language arts.. etc.. teaching middle school was tougher.. some times you had to go in mean and stay mean all day..

What do you mean 15 years in the chanber business..

you got 20 years all the way.. ..

don't you remember you replaced ..bob wiley..

and your job included giving me a review ..

where you said i need to get along better with the embesslers and the bar flys .. john tenbrink and dave durham called me squeeky .. your review was interesting ..

that i needed to spend more time in the bar with john tenbrink and gang, as it was they were in the bar next to Boeing company for 8 to 12 hours a day .. at the end of 6 months drunk john tenbrink married a kansas woman , who as marty rich told me when he and the unlucky time to work with john , as john was always trying lead his co-workers astray so he could rat them out.. any way..

Marty rich , said that that wife of johns had the name of "Bitch" because it was the Bitch this, the Bitch that, The Bitch said this , the Bitch ..... bla bla bla,
john should do well at Environtronics in grand rapids, because in sales it is just get the customer drunk and pretend you are friends.. and lie and cheat everyone u meet.

(Dick Alverson later told me were back stabing me .. but he said he knew it was a lie..)

i guess this is why old Bob is as smart as a fox.. don't let thes people teach or train your children.. because they will end up like the theves and murders i worked with in California..

As Hil Sybesma said to me .. Tom Banish found it hard to pull the wool over my eyes because i didn't believe his lies.. and Hil said he had the sameproblem that Tom has..

(and they went to each others church)

Hil said he wants to be able to lie, cheat, steal, and slander people .. but he still wants people to like him...

He like many other theves i have worked with is Not on my Christmas card list. realisticly .. a lot of these people need to go to prison.. no joke.. but i was talking to another company lately..

and i told him that Thermotron was a Cut-throat company (i didn't show him my scars) a

nd that their salesmen were taught to do anything to get the sale

(and that dan o'keff liked starving used car salesman).

I also told him that a couple people called me a back stabber.. because i complained that they whey weren't showing up on the job site and falsefying work documents..

So i told him i have enemies there.. heck a man is made known by his enemies.. He Laughed .. and said every one in this business is a back stabber..

So as you see Tom Patterson i don't pull any punches..

I told "Wayne" At Environmental Spectalies on the east coast that Thermotron became confused on their priorities..

and as Dean Tripp said it no longer mattered if you did a good job or a bad work...

His job under Tom Bannish was to lie to the angry customers and lie to his co-workers to find out what was going on.. and he and Gregory V Johnson woudl lie and steal as a team when he came to the office i worked in.

I asked him and Roger cannary who was the national service manager if "thermotron was a money laundering operation for the MAIFA . because the policy under tom banniah was
"Who ever Steals the most and does the Least is the winner"

oh well ... tom bannish said it's ok to be currupt because they are alll like that, and darn if u didn't aggree with that.

ya right 15 will get you how time flyes..

i met a lot of people in holland who play church and are going to hell,and are full of devils..

How can you tell if some one might be full of devils ? you might ask!

if they are going out lying cheating and stealing on a daily basis .. and think it is normal..

Bill Bench at Russles technicial products, with his father Don Bench, Both told it that they just lie to the customers and their co-workers.. because other wise they can not be conpetivitive with Thermotron..

Welll Dan J O'keefe had u Hollanders figured out..(liares and thieves waiting to bloom).
no wonder that Mark Lamers told me that
"Good People Don't work at Thermotron"

for very long.

This could be a clue!! Naaa.. as Fred Plont said .. it's ok ... to be a thief and lie about everything, because u are only supposted to look out for your self.

and yes teaching in the public schools can be heart warming..