The second most powerful type demon was also revealed to me in human form and these demons looked like ordinary people.
All of those possessing this area of expertise seemed to group together at about the second place of command.
Chief among this group was the demon of greed and contained within this same group were demons of hate, lust, strife, and a few others.
The third most powerful type and group of demons were revealed to me in mixed shapes and forms. Some had human form while others had half–human and half–animal forms. Others resembled animals in their forms.
These demons possessed skills in the dark arts area such as witchcraft and other related areas. Also among this group were demons of fear and the demons of self–destruction as well as those demons which are expert in mimicking departed human spirits [familiar spirits] and in manifesting themselves to the physical world as ghosts.
When we got down to the fourth group, or order, all the demons of this rank were revealed in forms other than human.
Some had forms like known animals while others had unknown forms. In this group were the demons of murder, brutality, sadism, and others related to carnage.
As we moved even further down the order toward the end of the chain of command, all the demons were revealed in horrible and morbid forms.
Some were so revolting that their appearance produced nausea.
They are so despised by their own companions that they always seem to be lurking off to themselves while in the Second Heaven and even while in this physical world.
They do not associate with the other demons except in the line of their duty.
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