Sunday, December 30, 2007


My escort informed me that he wanted me to see a demon in the process of actually possessing a human being.

At this point in the trip, I was escorted back through the dimension wall separating the Second Heaven from the physical world.

When we came back into this world, we were in the same hospital with my body but in a different room.

The room appeared to be an employee's lounge. I saw tables, chairs, dishes with food, and in the room were a young man and a young lady facing each other while laughing and talking. It was obvious that they could not see nor the angels, yet I was so close to them I could almost reach out and touch them.

I could hear and understand every word they said.

They thought they were alone and as they laughed and talked, they were unaware of the horrible creature standing between them.

This demon was so horrible in the appearance of his shape and form that I recognized him immediately to be from the lower group, the perverted group.

The angels, the demons, and I were in the spirit in that room and were aware of everything that was happening.

Those in the flesh were only aware of themselves for they could not see or hear us even though we were back in this physical world.

Since we were in the spirit, we still communicated with our minds.I was not really paying close attention to the words the two were speaking.

My entire attention was focused upon the demon.

He was a most horrible looking thing, reminding me of an over–grown, stuffed, slimy, green frog all out of shape and proportion.

He moved slowly up into the face of the man then, suddenly, like a puff of smoke, he seemed to disappear into the face of the an just as if he went through the pores of his skin.

When the demon had entered the man, the angels said, “Now it's done.”

The angel then proceeded to tell me how it was that this man was possessed. He stated, “The demon made himself desirable and attractive to the human.”

The angel then pointed out to me that mankind has a sovereign will, all his own, beyond which the demons cannot come.

He also pointed out to me that the angels could not come beyond that sovereign will of man. God, Himself, will not violate that will.

We are made in the image of God, therefore, we were given, like God, a sovereign will, the right to choose our destiny.

I was not permitted to retain all that I learned along these lines.

[Not Pittman's comment but mine —kissed a frog (demon), got a prince (demon)… people ought to watch what they say… book of Revelation – frog demons will be loosed… in the last days.

I have found that many of the things we say in slang, have been set up by the demons as actual things… if you knew and understood you would never say them again…

such things like “he's just a little devil,”

and there are many others we say that need to be stopped immediately as Christians!

Also, holy angels never, never, never enter ever human beings…]


The second most powerful type demon was also revealed to me in human form and these demons looked like ordinary people.

All of those possessing this area of expertise seemed to group together at about the second place of command.

Chief among this group was the demon of greed and contained within this same group were demons of hate, lust, strife, and a few others.

The third most powerful type and group of demons were revealed to me in mixed shapes and forms. Some had human form while others had half–human and half–animal forms. Others resembled animals in their forms.

These demons possessed skills in the dark arts area such as witchcraft and other related areas. Also among this group were demons of fear and the demons of self–destruction as well as those demons which are expert in mimicking departed human spirits [familiar spirits] and in manifesting themselves to the physical world as ghosts.

When we got down to the fourth group, or order, all the demons of this rank were revealed in forms other than human.

Some had forms like known animals while others had unknown forms. In this group were the demons of murder, brutality, sadism, and others related to carnage.

As we moved even further down the order toward the end of the chain of command, all the demons were revealed in horrible and morbid forms.

Some were so revolting that their appearance produced nausea.

They are so despised by their own companions that they always seem to be lurking off to themselves while in the Second Heaven and even while in this physical world.

They do not associate with the other demons except in the line of their duty.

former employee

well you are right
it is safe to say "only say good things"

as i don't have very many good things to say about the different liers thieves and embzzlers and drunks and slanders i worked thermotron ..

nownow as tom bannish bragged it's ok to be currupt ..
he like most of the people who are evil there will be dead and go to hell..

good riddence.

as a matter of face do you know of any of the people from there who have good character?

i can count them on one hand

But as i have never worked with such a big determined gang of liers, slanders and theves, as with thermotron..

The Boeing project i got introduced to tenbrink and durham.. both liers and embezzlers, and drunks this is the first time management allowed people to be drunk on the job and falseafy their work hours.. (i think not)

but bob wiles was a lier and a drunk..

I was the exception and that is why Mr Pietz at boeing hired me 3 years later.. i am normal.. and reliable. He said that he likes to hire people who u don't have to wonder what they are doing

John TenBrink was such a bad example of a Thermotron employee that he could'nt get them to hire him even as a custodian, janitor. That was during the time boeing had over 25,000 thousand employees.. and he found that he couldn't find a decient job any where in kansas..

So finally he begged Bob Wiley (he was now a promotion guy)at sexton Espec inc. because "Old Bob is as smart as a fox) ya right.. if u believe that then we will sell your children out as Whores.

But after misleading mardy rich.. and defrauding him, John Tenbrink got to go into sales.. and sales in the chamber business is getting the customer drunk and pretending u are their friend.

from there he went to Environtronics, where Gary Molinar was just leaving.. as he said about john.. it dosen't take much to fill out a "request for material" and his evualiation of Environtronics was that as a "spin off" company.. they took 2 steps and fell on their face..

I met Gary Molinar at Russles Technicial Products.. and at this company Don Bench hired people who needed to learn a trade.. and learn a job

But Gary said he was different .. He came there to Do a Job" not just learn a job.

I quit here because Bill Bench was sending me out to start-up equipment that didn't quite work right.. and finally bill told me that that it didn't matter if the equipment worked at all, my job was to get the customer to sign off. I told him i didn't defraud people. and lia.. so he drummed me out.. The last job in New York.. was typical of his style.. "he shipped a 40 by 50 foot walkin chamber that had never been tested or assembled..
and the customer thought there would be a factory team to complete this project.. but there was only me. ha

back at thermotron

Tom bannash promoted lieing cheating and stealing and embezzeling and slandering employees on the west coast, he said "everyone is the manager" and he would go around saying"sombody said , this or that but i didn't believe it, or he would tell me and others that "He lied for U"

Then he would send Dean Tripp an old time sales/manager/senior service guy to lie to his co-workers to find out what was going on. (dean tripp is in Farmington New Mex) he said they like people who are like this..

Tom Bannish bragged that Roger Cannery let him do "His thing" which was:

1. it's ok to lie,cheat and defraud people a little bit everyday (because everyone he knows is that way) he told me that everyone was cheating on their expenses and that i needed to do the same. (Get with the program)
2. if someone does a good job he will lie and say they did a bad job.
3.if someone does a bad job he will lie and say they did a good job
4if some one needs help with a job, he will lie and say they don't need help.
5if someone doesnot need help he will lie and say that they need help.

the evil guy i worked with once showed me all the placed he robbed in Pasidena California as he was growing up.

He robbed customers daily and bo bjarno the sales staff and my self told tom banish and he considered it ok.

This guy robbed and embezzled over 50,000 dollars
and jim roulfes helped him steal an additional 20,000 thousand
by removing bo bjarno the last blockage.

Now even though bo was a drunk he had better character than bannash.

Tom Bannash bragged he could lible slander every one and you people would believe his lies.,

Now the fact
that dan o'keff and tom bannash called employees and co-workers the "gay " and the gay
blade behind" their back is another example of the slandering evil attitude that was there.

Hil sysbesma told me embezzling was not stealing it was "working the system"his rate was about $000 .00 while i was there...

So, now Jim Roulives made him a sales man..

the big joke was that he took a pay cut to go into sales.. ya right.

Oh ya Curtt (bo bjarno's ) replacement said all jim rulloff did was walk around with a good grip on his ankles.

Obviously dan o'keef would make any Roman Catholic childmolester or petafile safe and proud,

Dan O'keefe did tell me that this company lets in any type of person.. when i asked Tom Bannash what the Hell he ment by that?

his reply was typical for a tom bannish

"I don't know"
Nobody else askes me that question.

ask wayne or mark lamers

oh what's the surprise??

if u work for thermotron expect to be lied to .. because this company is run like a male /female escort service

Thursday, December 27, 2007

F**u*k Him

Fuck Him

A bit o poetry in the honor of a man
who thinks he is all that an more

but honestly lives within his wretched core –
a dark and devious place

A wicked poison roams the earth –
a vicious cycle whirls in the wind

– a cold heart enjoys the pleasures of pain
- like a snail a trail he leaves behind
- his path burning with greed
fuck that mother fucker

– let's find him -
seek him out of his hidden agenda
– remove the suffering he deals with each blow

– he's useless to the masses
– his inflated overrated ego

– preying upon beauty
as though he is worthy
yet he truly seeks his own
because deep inside lives such an ugly disgusting soul
– fuck him

– fuck that mother fucker
before the next victim he takes
is your child

– I've watched his eyes
roaming at the ones way too young
but then the wretched soul so lost –

so left alone needs their youth
to compensate for the lack of his own

– fuck him –

fuck him over and over again

stop the vicious cycle
that whirls within his
sinful soul

–this wicked man
whose poison roams
– lurking –
waiting for something
he thinks will one day be his own

.it won't take long to know..
...he's not worth the grain of sand the wind has blown...

.....fuck him

old bob wiley

You are right!!

Well i certainly have seen a lot of tricks in how to work the system in this chamber business..

now the kid i worked with in california .. robbed and embezzled about 50 thousand dollars..

When i Got the the Boeing job with Bob Wiley in charge.. john tenbrink demenstrated that Old Bob is as smart as a fox..

it was ok be be drunk on the job and falsefy your working hours.. and dave drumham called his co-workers "Backstabbers"

if they didn't agree with him..

Gregory v johnson had ... as hil sysbesma said .. " he had tom bannish around his little finger"..

He said who ever tell tom bannish what ever lies he wants to hear is right..

and tom Bannich encouraged deceit and dishonesty.. with his "Every one is the Manager"

when i asked TB what he ment by that he said .. "Well that's the problem"

(TB really is a disease)

and as he demenstrated when he comes to town there is a new level of curruption..

gregory v johnson he started his carreer by being the neighbor hood thief and bugler.. he showed me all the housed he robbed when we were in Pasandia visiting his mother..

Tom bannash loved his lies..he was his pet false wittness

But Enseco Fired him within 6 months.. for robbery.. embezzelment etc..

Mitch Kerr form all temp engineering told me that the word was out and that gregory V wouldn't get any work in that valley any more.

He also told me how therMoTron had not payed them for about 50,000 dollars of warrenty work..billed to them..

I told him that with all the different embezzlers and thieves he has worked with .. that does not seem out of character of that company.

greg was typical for a tom bannich pet

it may seem high ..but after Rouloff's removed the salesman bo bjarno.. then the sky was the limit..his 10 thousand a year went to about 20 thousand..

5 securtaries, the 2 sales man , and my self told .. bannach about it... but i learned a big lesson about that management style ..

harrasement, lying, and drumming out people = (equals) basic dis-honesty

You can't tell a Dummy anything .. "That's why they are called Dummies"

As tom bannish said"every one is the manager" ..

which of course means there is no manager.. just lying back stabbers.

and spinless guttless wonders

Heck i asked the upper management what they budgeted for thief and embezzelment, and asked if they were some kind of mafa operation. or were a money laundering operation..

But you are right..

If lying , robbery and embezzelment is still the standard than i would not be a fit..

Cheers.. and happy new year


A man was sitting at a bar whose selling point was that it was on top of the largest skyscraper in town.

Another man walks in and asks the bartender for a Jack Daniel's. He downs it, and then takes a running leap out the window.

Much to everybody's surprise, he floats back up and climbs through the window back into the bar.

The man at the bar is amazed and asks the man how he did it.

"Easy," says the man. "Outside this window are some very strong wind currents which can carry you back to the window."

"Wow," says the man at the bar. "I gotta try this." He takes a running leap out the window and falls to a horrible, bloody, and flat death.

"Goodness, Superman," says the bartender.

"You can be a real a jerk when you're drunk."

HA HA HA.. as Shelly said in parts

it was just politics !!

(she worked with Ester Hamstra) and jerry sinzack, when i met jerry's wife at the clinic she said theRmoTron didn't give out raises.. they gave people "titles"

>Subject: Re: say something nice >
Date: Fri, 4 Jan

Hi P >Happy New Year!

You haven't said anything that's offended me so no apology necessary.

It's hard for any of us to have the proper positive attitude right now. >

I have never seen this severe of a drop in business.

Going way back to "81 I remember that a large Boeing order literally kept us afloat for the year.

I bet you remember that too. > Old Bob wiley.. "I don't think any kind of critism can be constructive ! (how about not showing up drunk on the job? bob)

We were holding our own but slowing until Sept.11 and then the bottom dropped out.

It's extremely frustrating that the attack was such a terrible immediate human tragedy and also an unbelievable emotional and economic effect as well. >

It looks as though you picked a good time to exit our industry.

Do you find teaching rewarding?

I'm sure there are frustrations but hopefully there are some rewards and success stories also. >

There have been several times over the years that other of our friends have sought to come back to the industry that I have really not been able to decide if helping them to return was really doing them a favor or not.

In retrospect I think that most were better off in the long run in another, more stable- less competitive industry. > >

Let's all have a better year!!

Subject: say something nice > > >

"Hey, Nice Tie'' > > A man walks into a bar, sits down, and orders a drink. >

"Hey, nice tie!" comes out of nowhere.

He looks up at the bartender to see if he had said anything, but since he was on the other side of the bar the man just ignores it. >

"Hey! Nice shirt!" The man looks up but, again, the bartender is engaged elsewhere. >

"Hey! Nice suit!"

The man then calls the bartender over and asks him if he keeps talking to him. > > >

"It's not me,

it's the complimentary peanuts." >

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

theRmoTron from Hire to liar

David H.P. Shulman
Associate Professor of Anthropology and Sociology
During winter 2007, David Shulman, associate professor of anthropology and sociology at Lafayette College, published From Hire to Liar: The Role of Deception in the Workplace with the Cornell University Press. He argues in From Hire to Liar that deception is a pervasive element of daily working life. He analyzes the motives, tactics, rationalizations, and ethical ramifications of acting deceptively in the workplace. The book contains detailed accounts of workplace lies and suggests new ways to think about the important effects of everyday workplace deceptions. The book has received extensive coverage in the media, which has been exciting and rewarding for Shulman.

theRmoTron from Hire to liar

David H.P. Shulman
Associate Professor of Anthropology and Sociology
During winter 2007, David Shulman, associate professor of anthropology and sociology at Lafayette College, published From Hire to Liar: The Role of Deception in the Workplace with the Cornell University Press. He argues in From Hire to Liar that deception is a pervasive element of daily working life. He analyzes the motives, tactics, rationalizations, and ethical ramifications of acting deceptively in the workplace. The book contains detailed accounts of workplace lies and suggests new ways to think about the important effects of everyday workplace deceptions. The book has received extensive coverage in the media, which has been exciting and rewarding for Shulman.


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Old 12-14-2006, 12:17 PM
thermotron1 thermotron1 is offline
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Good morning, my name is Bob Barber. I stumbled across this site a few days ago and have found it very informative and quite interesting. I will be the first to admitt that I know next to nothing about hvac/refrigeration however I have a strong interest in learning. I currently work in HR/Sales for a company that manufactures Environmental Test Chambers (Cascade refrigeration systems). I have found that some of my struggles in my position is that I don't have a firm knowledge base, so I figured that I would periodically check different posts on this site to see what I could learn, as well I might just as well register in case I have a question that someone might be able to help me out with.

In any case, hello to everyone...hope its alright I'm here.
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Old 12-14-2006, 12:33 PM
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Hello Bob the Builder!

If you can sort through the tons of bs here........ there are some real gold nuggets of information.
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Old 12-14-2006, 12:39 PM
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Watch out for a guy that goes by the name of Spotts. He's a tricky son of a gun.
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Old 12-14-2006, 12:39 PM
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Try "Just Ask Dice". Especially about HVAC for goats.
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Old 12-14-2006, 12:46 PM
thermotron1 thermotron1 is offline
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Re: Hello Bob the Builder!

Originally posted by spotts
If you can sort through the tons of bs here........ there are some real gold nuggets of information.

sounds like my kind of place! I may even be able to add to the bs (of course in the most constructive way possible). by the way, they tell me I much more resemble sponge bob Squaure pants as opposed to Bob the Builder.
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Old 12-14-2006, 01:10 PM
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since we cant hear you

and just have to read what you type........

I guess your "Silent Bob"
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by".
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Old 12-14-2006, 02:36 PM
thermotron1 thermotron1 is offline
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Re: since we cant hear you

Originally posted by spotts
and just have to read what you type........

I guess your "Silent Bob"
although, very true to the nature of the method of communication applied here. however, remember it is my job to talk! Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back! yeah buddy, I'm up on that one.
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Old 12-14-2006, 02:53 PM
wolfdog wolfdog is offline
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I seem to recall a couple of guys here saying they worked on cascade systems. I don't remember the names.

Post over in the commercial area and see if you can wake them up.
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Old 12-14-2006, 06:18 PM
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Welcome Bob I have been to your school in Michigan a few years ago very good classes.
Paul Pippin
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Old 12-14-2006, 10:19 PM
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Do you stumble around a lot?
Perhaps an inner ear problem.
I hooked up some ductwork to a Thermotron once, some kind of single package thingy used in a lab.
I forget what it was for but it was fricking expensive.
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Old 12-15-2006, 12:05 PM
thermotron1 thermotron1 is offline
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Originally posted by Paul Pippin
Welcome Bob I have been to your school in Michigan a few years ago very good classes.
Did you find them helpful? I know that we are currently looking at re-structuring some of our training programs.
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Old 12-15-2006, 12:10 PM
thermotron1 thermotron1 is offline
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Originally posted by Diceman
Do you stumble around a lot?
Perhaps an inner ear problem.
I hooked up some ductwork to a Thermotron once, some kind of single package thingy used in a lab.
I forget what it was for but it was fricking expensive.

Yeah, I do stumble around a fair ammount. Mostly that is a direct result of my wife smacking me in the side of the head with a snow shovel last winter (doctor is optimistic about my chance for a full recovery).

Yeah our equipment isn't cheap, highly technical equipment used in highly technical facilities. It was more than likely a large walk in Environmental Test Chamber. Our equipment is used to simulate a wide variety of conditions, the most prevelant being temperatures (extremes either way) but as well we are able to simulate altitudes, humidity and vibrations.
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Old 12-15-2006, 12:55 PM
hvacpope hvacpope is offline
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how long have you been with thermotron? I hear lots of bad things about them, do you work from home?
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12-14-2006, 11:17 AM
Good morning, my name is Bob Barber. I stumbled across this site a few days ago and have found it very informative and quite interesting. I will be the first to admitt that I know next to nothing about hvac/refrigeration however I have a strong interest in learning. I currently work in HR/Sales for a company that manufactures Environmental Test Chambers (Cascade refrigeration systems). I have found that some of my struggles in my position is that I don't have a firm knowledge base, so I figured that I would periodically check different posts on this site to see what I could learn, as well I might just as well register in case I have a question that someone might be able to help me out with.

In any case, hello to everyone...hope its alright I'm here.

12-14-2006, 11:33 AM
If you can sort through the tons of bs here........ there are some real gold nuggets of information.

12-14-2006, 11:39 AM

Watch out for a guy that goes by the name of Spotts. He's a tricky son of a gun. ;)

12-14-2006, 11:39 AM
Try "Just Ask Dice". Especially about HVAC for goats. ;)

12-14-2006, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by spotts
If you can sort through the tons of bs here........ there are some real gold nuggets of information.

sounds like my kind of place! I may even be able to add to the bs (of course in the most constructive way possible). by the way, they tell me I much more resemble sponge bob Squaure pants as opposed to Bob the Builder.

12-14-2006, 12:10 PM
and just have to read what you type........

I guess your "Silent Bob"

12-14-2006, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by spotts
and just have to read what you type........

I guess your "Silent Bob"

although, very true to the nature of the method of communication applied here. however, remember it is my job to talk! Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back! yeah buddy, I'm up on that one.

12-14-2006, 01:53 PM
I seem to recall a couple of guys here saying they worked on cascade systems. I don't remember the names.

Post over in the commercial area and see if you can wake them up.

Paul Pippin
12-14-2006, 05:18 PM
Welcome Bob I have been to your school in Michigan a few years ago very good classes.

12-14-2006, 09:19 PM
Do you stumble around a lot?
Perhaps an inner ear problem.
I hooked up some ductwork to a Thermotron once, some kind of single package thingy used in a lab.
I forget what it was for but it was fricking expensive.

12-15-2006, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by Paul Pippin
Welcome Bob I have been to your school in Michigan a few years ago very good classes.

Did you find them helpful? I know that we are currently looking at re-structuring some of our training programs.

12-15-2006, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by Diceman
Do you stumble around a lot?
Perhaps an inner ear problem.
I hooked up some ductwork to a Thermotron once, some kind of single package thingy used in a lab.
I forget what it was for but it was fricking expensive.

Yeah, I do stumble around a fair ammount. Mostly that is a direct result of my wife smacking me in the side of the head with a snow shovel last winter (doctor is optimistic about my chance for a full recovery).

Yeah our equipment isn't cheap, highly technical equipment used in highly technical facilities. It was more than likely a large walk in Environmental Test Chamber. Our equipment is used to simulate a wide variety of conditions, the most prevelant being temperatures (extremes either way) but as well we are able to simulate altitudes, humidity and vibrations.

12-15-2006, 11:55 AM
how long have you been with thermotron? I hear lots of bad things about them, do you work from home?

12-15-2006, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by hvacpope
how long have you been with thermotron? I hear lots of bad things about them, do you work from home?

I haven't been here very long at all. Though I am by no means a seasoned veteran, I am a bit surprised that you hear lots of bad things about Thermotron. What are some of the things that you hear? (Please don't take this as me trying to discredit your statement, because that is certainly not my intention). I know one thing that we do have problems with at times is finding enough qualified service technicians to give the customers the appropriate ammount of attention. Please feel free to share publicly or privately. I'm open to any and all feedback

12-15-2006, 08:47 PM
I hear management likes the "work from home concept", they give you a fax machine and set you up with accounts the main problems are lack of support and most of the time you don’t make the 40 hours, at some point there was a woman running the show and she didn’t know much about anything but screwing with techs pay,are you a tech-salesman?, I met an ex-thermotron tech through RSES and he hated them with passion.

12-16-2006, 09:44 AM
Didn't the Terminator come back in time using a Thermotron?

12-18-2006, 08:02 AM
Originally posted by Diceman
Didn't the Terminator come back in time using a Thermotron?

Although we are able to simulate temperature extremes, humidity, altitudes, even vibrations....unfortunately we have yet to master any sort of time travel. we do have an entire department dedicated to alien communication though.

12-18-2006, 04:53 PM
If I install a Thermotron in my house, will I be able to communicate with my long, lost alien relatives??

12-18-2006, 05:19 PM
You been communacating with them for years.

12-18-2006, 05:28 PM

12-18-2006, 05:44 PM
Welcome to the site Bob. I worked on a Thermotron mini-max unit last winter. Had to replace the second stage compressor. Nice units. They will get your beer cold in a hurry.:D

12-18-2006, 06:34 PM
Thermotron sucks

Paul Pippin
12-19-2006, 07:45 AM
Bob have a couple of questions. I noticed that you said they were always looking for technicians. When I was at the school they were trying to hire almost everyone who went through the class. Which considering that most of us had paid to attend the class I felt it was in very bad taste. Also do they still have their stance that they will not sell parts or anything to contractors because they are competition? I am just curious.

12-26-2006, 09:32 AM
Bob have a couple of questions. I noticed that you said they were always looking for technicians. When I was at the school they were trying to hire almost everyone who went through the class. Which considering that most of us had paid to attend the class I felt it was in very bad taste. Also do they still have their stance that they will not sell parts or anything to contractors because they are competition? I am just curious.

Paul, I apologize that I have not responded to your questions/concerns previously. I understand your concern regarding everyone in the service training course that we provided being approached about possible employment. Do you remember exactly how long ago that was? It is true, due to the nature of our equipment and the complexity of the position we are always looking for technicians. However, I as well would not necessarily agree with said recruiting practice. I do know that we have made numerous changes to policy and methods of recruiting technicians and I apologize if you were offended by the events that transpired at the training session.

Moving on, I'm not 100% certain, but fairly sure that you are correct in Thermotron's stance to not sell parts or anything to contractors. Although it is a bit more involved than just the creation of competition. (admittedly it is part of the reason though). You have to understand that our equipment is involved in a very small 'niche' market and it is difficult to stay on top. It is not solely that we don't want others to service our equipment, but sometimes there are new parts, etc... that are invented to help acheive different properties. Many of those parts are fabricated right here in our factory, and well if the wrong people get their hands on them...well I'm sure you get the picture. :D if you have any other questions please feel free to e-mail me.

12-26-2006, 09:34 AM
Welcome to the site Bob. I worked on a Thermotron mini-max unit last winter. Had to replace the second stage compressor. Nice units. They will get your beer cold in a hurry.:D

What other unit will cook a turkey in it, and then be able to cool your beer while your eating? :D Wow....think of the applications...great football gameday gifts for your buddies! *just kidding*

12-26-2006, 09:39 AM
How much do the tech jobs pay.Is this the company that makes environmental chambers ?

Pay good technician = _____

Pay great technicien = _____

Notso good technician = ______

12-26-2006, 10:00 AM
Hmm... Something smells fishy here. Sounds like a recruitment happening.

Thermotrons signature looks suspicious and Lil' Preston took the bait!:eek:

12-26-2006, 10:02 AM
its HVAC work some of us may need it.

12-26-2006, 10:08 AM
its HVAC work some of us may need it.

Hey lil' buddy, I'm just yanking yer chain.:D
In all seriousness check the website out. Quite interesting.

Thermo, do you folks do much sales and service in Toronto, On? Canada for that matter?
I seem to remember seeing some similar equipment in labs we worked on.

12-26-2006, 10:56 AM
Hey lil' buddy, I'm just yanking yer chain.:D
In all seriousness check the website out. Quite interesting.

Thermo, do you folks do much sales and service in Toronto, On? Canada for that matter?
I seem to remember seeing some similar equipment in labs we worked on.

Yeah, we do have some pieces of equipment in Canada. I'm not for certain where the concentration of our equipment is though. We are a world wide company, of course the majority of our test chambers reside in the U.S.

12-26-2006, 10:58 AM
its HVAC work some of us may need it.

The pay really depends on pre-exsisting experience as well as the location of the Technician position. We have equipment nationwide (world wide for that matter) and the pay will be a reflection of the cost of living for each particular area.

12-26-2006, 05:38 PM
Thank you very much for the reply,

Could you tell me what this statement means

"We seek skilled refrigeration service specialists, with an entrepreneurial spirit,"

Does this mean it is like subcontracting?

What if a good tech applied and he didn't need much training in these lab environments and he had more experience than most of your existing techs, and he lived in southern Michigan what could he expect to earn with your company in wage and benefits?

12-26-2006, 05:42 PM
Thank you very much for the reply,

Could you tell me what this statement means

"We seek skilled refrigeration service specialists, with an entrepreneurial spirit,"

Does this mean it is like subcontracting?

What if a good tech applied and he didn't need much training in these lab environments and he had more experience than most of your existing techs, and he lived in southern Michigan what could he expect to earn with your company in wage and benefits.

..................And what if a frog had wings...............would it still bump its a$$ when it jumped??:cool:

12-26-2006, 05:44 PM
To make it easier , can an excellent tech earn 100 thousand working for Thermotron ?

12-26-2006, 06:30 PM
Preston, you're in Michigan? We got a bunch of beer drinking guys here from Michigan that hang once a month or so...........

Ahhhhhhhhhhh.........the new guy always buys.:D

12-26-2006, 06:36 PM
I'm quite sure I have nothing constructive to add to this post.

12-27-2006, 06:42 AM
I'm quite sure I have nothing constructive to add to this post.

Isn't that why we're here?:confused:

12-27-2006, 07:42 AM
To make it easier , can an excellent tech earn 100 thousand working for Thermotron ?

Preston, unfortunately as company policy I am unable to disclose any sort of wage range with individuals that have not applied for employment at Thermotron. I am certainly not avoiding your question, however my hands are tied.

I can however address your question inquiring about an 'entrepreneurial spirit'. Our field service techs are essentially running their own business in each remote location. No it is not a sub-contracting position. They are responsible for managing their own schedule, fielding calls directly from customers (no central dispatch), managing a budget, controlling an inventory, seeking out new business, etc...Basically the field service tech's are determining their own level of success without someone else standing over their shoulder at all times micro-managing them. Therefore, that is why a 'entrepreneurial spirit' is desired.

I hope that I have done a sufficient job in answering your question. If you have any further questions, comments or concerns feel free to e-mail me.


Please put your email in your profile

12-27-2006, 04:07 PM
I just don't understand. but I suppose if the pay were worth mentioning they would let you mention it.

12-27-2006, 04:20 PM
I just don't understand. but I suppose if the pay were worth mentioning they would let you mention it.

Pricing is not allowed on this website, I take that to mean the discussion of salarys also, but that's just my interpretation.

Please read Forum Rules (

12-27-2006, 04:22 PM

12-27-2006, 06:46 PM
I hear management likes the "work from home concept", they give you a fax machine and set you up with accounts the main problems are lack of support and most of the time you don’t make the 40 hours, at some point there was a woman running the show and she didn’t know much about anything but screwing with techs pay,are you a tech-salesman?, I met an ex-thermotron tech through RSES and he hated them with passion.

100% true, they suck, worst than Aggreko.

12-27-2006, 09:05 PM
I'm glad you fellows have let us in on them. Thats what really counts is what the people that all ready worked for them say about them.I asked how much they paid and it was a like a god dam secret or something. I hate people that aren't just straight up. When you ask them a question. if I wanted to be an entrepeneur I would of got a small buisness loan not fill out a dam application.

12-27-2006, 09:23 PM
This entire thread, is a perfect example of why the internet is the great DEMOCRATIZER.

Truth to the people. ;)

I have always wondered about their gig. Let's face it, it is interesting. But they don't pay well.

I don;t get why they think this kind of a structure is better over others. Doesn't make any sense to me. A true Factory Tech traditional structure would yeild them more talented guys. Just an opinion.

12-27-2006, 09:29 PM
They are responsible for managing their own schedule, fielding calls directly from customers (no central dispatch), managing a budget, controlling an inventory, seeking out new business, etc...Basically the field service tech's are determining their own level of success without someone else standing over their shoulder at all times micro-managing them. Therefore, that is why a 'entrepreneurial spirit' is desired.

Funny... Sounds somewhat familiar... like an Amway or Aloa Vera ad. Tupperware?

If all a tech wants to do is make 40 every week, he can't be doing the admin and field work.

Sorry if I'm cynical... I've been in business too long to think any other way.

12-27-2006, 09:35 PM
Thanks Gruntly I think thats what I was trying to say thats why my comments about the 100,000 dollars was made. I did not expect to make a hundred thousand dollars

12-27-2006, 09:37 PM
it's funny you say that. They are relatively close, geographically speaking, being world wide, because they are very close to where Amway is Headquartered in the Grand Rapids, MI area.

12-27-2006, 09:39 PM
Hey how long does it to make diamond club there ? LOL

12-27-2006, 11:15 PM
Funny... Sounds somewhat familiar... like an Amway or Aloa Vera ad. Tupperware?

If all a tech wants to do is make 40 every week, he can't be doing the admin and field work.

Sorry if I'm cynical... I've been in business too long to think any other way.

Bullseye! I knew it smelt fishy! Maybe that's why we don't see it up here.

12-28-2006, 08:34 AM

Just kidding.

In any case, we are not structured in any way shape or form like amway. It is very true they are close in proximity, however that does not translate into our pay structure being the same as ours as well. To be honest we have a traditional pay structure. hourly base pay + overtime + bonus (paid out based on service calls made throughout the course of the year) = annual pay.

All that being said, the original intent of the post was to say 'hello' ....

12-28-2006, 08:56 AM
This entire thread, is a perfect example of why the internet is the great DEMOCRATIZER.

Truth to the people. ;)

I have always wondered about their gig. Let's face it, it is interesting. But they don't pay well.

I don;t get why they think this kind of a structure is better over others. Doesn't make any sense to me. A true Factory Tech traditional structure would yeild them more talented guys. Just an opinion.

I bet they do this so they dont have to pay into workmans comp., or provide liability-health insurance. You can service our equipment, but you will not have our backing if the sheit hits the fan.

12-28-2006, 09:12 AM
I bet they do this so they dont have to pay into workmans comp., or provide liability-health insurance. You can service our equipment, but you will not have our backing if the sheit hits the fan.

Not the case at all, we hire only direct employees. Also, we have a very comprehensive health care, retirement package. As well we do have workmans comp. coverage, short/long term disability, etc.

12-28-2006, 09:20 AM
Would your techs be covered under the the companies liability insurance? Also, do they provide a company vehicle? if not, what compensation do they provide when useing your own work truck?

12-28-2006, 09:26 AM
Would your techs be covered under the the companies liability insurance? Also, do they provide a company vehicle? if not, what compensation do they provide when useing your own work truck?

yes to the insurance and yes to the vehicle.

12-28-2006, 09:32 AM
Well allrighty then.:) I dont see an issue, and I can understand not wanting to discuss pay. I would'nt either until I knew the qualifications of the tech and observed his or her performance.

12-28-2006, 05:10 PM
dot they have sign on bonuses?

12-29-2006, 06:37 AM
dot they have sign on bonuses?

No we do not offer a sign on bonus.

12-29-2006, 07:17 PM

I want to know more.

The Penguin
12-29-2006, 07:19 PM
Looks like a good way to learn how to run a biz before you run a biz for your self

12-29-2006, 07:20 PM
Can we moonlight?

01-02-2007, 08:48 AM

I want to know more.

What more would you like to know? You can visit our website if you'd like.

I'm sorry but we do not have an opportunities at this time for moonlighting. If I remember correctly you said that you are in the SE part of Michigan, we are actually slowing down in that region of the country a bit right now because of the lull in automobile production, however other regions are really taking off at this time.

01-02-2007, 11:37 AM
good luck working for Tammi, she is a @#@#%&**#@ and a &&%$#@@ plus a huge C*** :D

01-02-2007, 11:58 AM
Ooohhhhh - Thats My Kinda Woman :D

01-02-2007, 08:40 PM
What more would you like to know? You can visit our website if you'd like.

I'm sorry but we do not have an opportunities at this time for moonlighting. If I remember correctly you said that you are in the SE part of Michigan, we are actually slowing down in that region of the country a bit right now because of the lull in automobile production, however other regions are really taking off at this time.

So do you have a relocation plan?

01-02-2007, 10:46 PM
ya .....
always lookin'
'cause ya better like to travel .......

01-02-2007, 11:03 PM
So do you have a relocation plan?
:confused: Planning on leaving school?:confused:

01-11-2007, 12:53 AM
hey thermotron, i read just briefly threw this thread, but are you a mech on enviromental chambers? I ask because we have 27 of your machines and sometimes they throw me for a loop. Im sure youve seen our account @ nas jax.

01-15-2007, 10:13 AM
So do you have a relocation plan?

No, we do not offer a relocation plan at this time. The stance that we have adopted is we are hiring for a particular territory, and the job is in that territory. Therefore if you wanted to live in that territory it is your responsibility to get there.

01-15-2007, 10:14 AM
hey thermotron, i read just briefly threw this thread, but are you a mech on enviromental chambers? I ask because we have 27 of your machines and sometimes they throw me for a loop. Im sure youve seen our account @ nas jax.

curdogg, I apologize but I am not a mechanic for our environmental chambers. You do have quite a few pieces of our equipment. Have you tried to contact our technical advising department?