Tuesday, January 21, 2014

thermotron - Pimps Say the Darndest Things- good or not


 at thermotron-- i worked with some of the biggests  embezzlers -- Human resourses--

had ther biggest prostutes-- all they did was lie to you about everything

Saturday, January 18, 2014

How to get out of a traffic jam, by Thermotron


 at thermotron  Thomas bannach called it -- buring your expenses---

Hil sybesma -- called it  "working the system"

Fred Plont said embezzling-- getting all you can get

Mark Lamers said-- Good people don't work er 4 long

Thomas patteson said after you lie cheat and defraud a lot of people -- then it's easer

Friday, January 17, 2014

Taxi - "latka the playboy clip" pt 2


at thermotron -- you can be a manager with a GED -- becasue Colllege is not necessary-- thomas Bannach-- proved that -

 pervert photo: Pervert 2009082719410513729.jpg

- and Roger Cannady and associates -- was the most intellegent man that ever was employeed at thermotron --

He replaced Bob Wiley-- who did graduate from high school--

pervert photo: pervert Pervert.jpg

and Thomas Bannach who replaced Bob Wiley--- said he has more respect-- for people w/o an education-- and how did it the "hard Way"