Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Kids in the Hall - What If Roger cannady was still at thermotron with thomas bannach??

roger cannady spent 3 years -- at thermotron as the national service manager

thomas bannach bragged that he had the freedom to "do his own thing"

and that it was "A-Ok" to lie, cheat, steal, defraud, back-stab your co-workers and the customer a "Little-bit" every day=--- because every- one he knows is like that !!

talk to the thieves he sponsored-- you are sup[posted to tell -- anyone what ever they want to hear--

it just dosen't matter if it's is true or not true!!

yes roger the coger--- thermotron 1982 -- 1985 -- manager of the liars and thieves, and embezzlers--

thermotron where who-ever- steal- the- most -- wins!!!

Roger Cannady

Instructional Designer at SAIC/USSOCOM
Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida Area
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Roger Cannady's Overview

  • Craig AFB
  • University of Missouri-Rolla
  • Webster Groves High School
8 people have recommended Roger
73 connections

Roger Cannady's Summary

Experienced educator, instructional designer, e-learning developer, curriculum developer, trainer, and manager. Excellent innovation, design, development, communication, and education skills. Outstanding technical abilities and subject matter expertise in a wide range of subject areas:
• Blackboard Learn LMS administration and SharePoint site administration
• Human Performance Improvement, Process Improvement and Quality Management.
• Skills Training, Project Coordination, Testing, Commissioning and Startup.
• Software skills: Adobe E-learning Suite, Captivate 4, Blackboard Learn 9.0, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premier Pro, Sony Sound Forge, Flash, MS Office, MS SharePoint, Articulate, 3DVia, Bunkspeed, Audacity, Win XP and Win 7.
• On line Training Portfolio --


Innovation in Learning

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Yvonne Criddle Peoples Court Thermotron management training

When i worked at thermotron the manager and staff bragged with good liars they are??

Thomas patterson at ESPEC -- said when he was at thermotron- people would lie all the time,


EVEN when they didn't have to!!!

and if you didn't go along-with it- they would attack you!!

Mark lamers " bragged that "Good people don't work there 4 long"

aT THERMOTRON you can EMBEZZLE your way to financial security

Ronald wiley got his training there-- high school or GED required

Get special insite to thermotron liars and thieves-- from ALL TEMP ENGINEERING--

mitch kerr, and John Dane have over 30 years experience -- working the these thermotron employee's

MADtv Yvonne Criddle Peoples Court