Thursday, July 24, 2008

just take your time... then QUIT

training is part of your job.. U not only have to train yourself..

But U have to train the LESS experienced co-workers...

i have PROOF .. the national manager and the regional manager told me...!!

Oh crap.. now they will call u up to fix.. their stuff...

even after U quit thermotron... THEY WILL STILLL callllll...

Oh wait a minute.. ??? They were both FIRED.. by daniel J okeefe...

now what M i supposted to BELIEVE!!!!Funny


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Synonyms of 'moron'

Definitions of 'moron'
(môŕŏń, mōŕ-) - 3 definitions
The American Heritage® Dictionary
moron (n.) A stupid person; a dolt.
moron (n.) A person of mild mental retardation having a mental age of from 7 to 12 years and generally having communication and social skills enabling some degree of academic or vocational education. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.

Synonyms of 'moron'
25 synonyms - Roget's II: Thesaurus
• One deficient in judgment and good sense: ass, fool, idiot, imbecile, jackass, mooncalf, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, simple, simpleton, softhead, tomfool.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

how 2 spot a holland liar

HOw to spot a thermotron liar

How To Detect a Lie

Evanescence - Everybodys Fool

Evanescence - Everybodys Fool

Monday, July 14, 2008

evil people last a life time

as the evil people at thermotron said..

COOMMMee Onnnn it's just politics.....everyone is a liar and a thief!!

evil people last a life time in holland michigan

By my estimates, about four percent of the population is evil - that is about one person in twenty five.

How to Discern Evil People
-Sept. 9th 2005-

In the course of life we come across and meet many people. Some we form friendships with and others we avoid. We often keep the people that make us feel good as friends, and the ones that make us feel bad we keep our distance. The problem is that evil people know full well how to make us feel good and how to manipulate us so that they can gain power and control over us.

There are two types of people we need to avoid. The aggressive and the passive aggressive types. The aggressive types use anger to control you. You go along in order to get along. They always get their way because we don't want them to explode on you and ruin the day. But then we get so angry and frustrated because we never stand up for ourselves. Because of this a wife may allow herself to be totally controlled and manipulated by the husband while blaiming herself for all the domestic problems. "Oh if I just had not dropped the dish Frank would not of flipped. I am so stupid!" The husband then uses this by saying, "You should be thankfull I married you because no one else would have you!" Men that beat their wives while convincing them that they disserved it and they had better smarten up. The solution would be for the wife to muster up her courage and confront her husband so that they can he can then have a bad day. From that point on they will avoid the wife will be in control. But if the husband is violent and physically abusive, then this solution could be very dangerous and volatile. I think most professionals would advise the woman to pack up and leave for a shelter.

The passive aggressive types do not confront you or explode with anger. What they do is to subtly push your buttons until you explode and yell. At this point they play the victim and may cry. They say things like, "Why are you so angry." They manipulate us into thinking it is our fault so that we feel guilty. Once we feel guilty, then they use this to control us.

Example: Husband is up in the morning before the passive aggressive wife who likes to sleep in. Often he makes too much noise in the kitchen and the wife becomes very annoyed. She will never confront her husband about it and gets back at him by offering to make toast. When she does she deliberately burns it to get even with him. But he knows her well and gets angry with her. He knows she did it deliberately The wife then goes into playing the victim. "I made an effort to get up and make you toast and you yell at me." The reason her husband is yelling at her is because he knows she did it on purpose. She begins to cry and the husband feels bad. But the next morning the same thing happens.

The problem is that the wife will never tell her husband what is really bothering her. Why is because she is totally self-absorbed with her own needs and knows nothing about love and communication. She does not love him and just wants her husband to do everything for her no matter what. She needs constant attention and pampering as if she was Cleopatra Queen of the Nile. She wants the best of everything and yet is still never satisfied.

So there are two examples of evil people. The aggressive ones are easy to spot, but the passive aggressive types are much harder to detect because they can appear to be so loving and caring, but this is a mask they wear. A spider is always loving and caring when it is trying to lure the fly into the web. The fact is that they are so self-absorbed that they become the center of their universe and a god of their world in which they expect us to bow down to them and cater to their every need. One way of spotting them is to keep your ears open for negative comments they may make. Inside they feel everyone is useless. The ones that deserve them are the ones that serve them.

A snake is always nice to the mouse until the trusting mouse gets too close and then BANG! Two fangs in the neck. Now the snake may show great remorse for what he has done. He my cry and say that he considered the mouse to be his little friend. But the problem is the the snake will do the same thing over and over again. Why is because he is a snake, and that's what snakes do. It is there nature. Sometimes a mouse my jump back and escape. Then the snake sobs and says how sorry he is. He says "please forgive me! I don't know what came over me?" The mouse falls for the tears and is then bitten and swallowed whole. Then the snake hates himself for eating him, but he is a snake and that is what he does. There are people all around us that manipulate and destroy us because that is what they do. They may cry and feel bad about it, but if you fall for the tears, then say good bye to a happy life. You will be caught in their web of evil and they will not be happy until they suck the life out of you!

After years of research and experience I have learned to read people's eyes when I meet them for the first time. If I get a red flag from their eyes I avoid them at all cost no matter how nice they may appear. Here are some tips on what to look for. The churches will scream "Judge not!" (out of context). But what I hear them say is judge not and be a victim. After all is this not what a rattle snake says to a suspicious mouse, judge not.

There are four major types of eyes that reveal the fallen spirit within. What disturbs me is that 90% of the people that read this article will not see nor understand what I am talking about at.

1. Hypno Stare

2. Sinister

3. Twinkle

4. Black and unreflective

1. Hypno Stare

While talking to people their eyes may begin to enlarge and look right through you as well becoming hypnotic to a greater degree.
More examples:

2. Sinister

3. Twinkle

4. Black unreflective eyes

Then there is the obvious non-human people like Gregory Despres. This man did not choose evil, he was born evil! Read his story at:

Gregory Despres

The mental abilities of evil people closely echo those of the normal population; there is a bell shaped curve of intelligence in both good and evil people.

Most good people are only aware of the least intelligent part of the evil distribution; those are the people who are obviously evil: criminals. The normal and intelligent ends of the evil distribution totally escape most good people's understanding. In this web page I will describe those undetected parts of evil.

What does an evil person of normal intelligence look like? Most people are very familiar with them. An evil person of normal intelligence is a person who makes life difficult, painful, and unpleasant for the good people around them. The supervisor who creates a crises at work by trying to pour a cup and a half of coffee into a cup and then requires everyone to work holiday's and weekends to clean up the mess - is an example of an evil person of normal intelligence. What distinguishes such people from criminals is that they are quicker learners; they figure out what will happen to them if they pursue the sort of obvious evil things that the least intelligent of the evil spectrum do.

Evil people of normal intelligence are careful to do their best to blend into good society. This insulates and protects them from the angered reaction of good people; who would hammer them just as hard as they hammer the least intelligent of the evil. Indeed, evil people of normal intelligence are so successful at blending into good society that their statements, goals and culture have become 'normal' and 'accepted'. For example, the comic strip 'Miss Peach' is an example of the behavior and actions of evil people of normal intelligence. The 'Put Down', passive aggressive behavior, insults, 'back stabbing', these are all typical behaviors for evil people of normal intelligence. All of these things are so common that many good people adopt them as reasonable ways to behave; they are not, they are as evil as anything could be.

By far evil people of normal intelligence are the most common type of evil person most people encounter. The stress in most good people's lives comes from interaction with evil people of normal intelligence. The goal of the average evil person is to make the lives of those around them as miserable as they can - without doing enough to attract the retribution they richly deserve.

Next up the ladder is the evil person of above average intelligence. These people have a similar goal to evil people of average intelligence; the production of human misery. However these people see the opportunity to do something that evil people of normal intelligence don't see how to do; murder someone and get away with it. They understand that the way to murder someone and get away with it is to not care who they kill, how they kill them, or when they kill them. Such people set up conditions where someone will be 'accidentally' killed and wait for the circumstances to occur.

For example, I once worked for an evil person of above average intelligence who built up a company which did about twenty million dollars a year of business. He was only interested in his business as an instrument to his ends. He worked people long hours of overtime (without any extra pay) - he pushed people as hard as he could. What he was doing was setting up an environment as stressful as he could - secure in the knowledge that sooner or later - a death would be the result. Sure enough, a staff accountant driving home after a late night's work was hit by a drunken driver and killed. The boss was stunned; his life's goal had been accomplished - the guilt was obvious in his face the next day. He became very cheerful over the next several weeks, and lost interest in the company. Inside of a year and a half it was out of business.

Of course since he was cloaked in plausible deniability no criminal charges could ever be brought against him. But, he could see that the death had come as a direct result of his deliberately malicious behavior; he willed it, and it happened. Most industrial accidental deaths and injuries can be traced back to the malicious behavior of those who are evil and of above average intelligence.

That leaves us those who are evil and of high intelligence. Most good people are also familiar with these kind of people; we call them leaders - both of industry and of government. It is the goal of such people to get away with mass murder. An example will show how they work their agenda.

If you look at the Viet Nam War none of it makes much sense; not from a political standpoint, not from an economic standpoint, and certainly not from a military standpoint. Let us examine the well known case of 'Hamburger Hill'; a battle location in the Viet Nam war. In this engagement US forces fought their way up a hill against fierce opposition. Once the US forces had taken the hill they were ordered to MARCH BACK DOWN giving the hill back to the opposition. The action was repeated several times. The argument given was that the US forces were exhausting the enemy by forcing them to fight repeatedly. Of course the conventional military strategy is to exhaust the opposition forces by making them attempt to re-take the hill by force of arms - rather than by giving it back to them uncontested. The 'Hamburger Hill' strategy makes no sense whatsoever - unless you assume that very high up in the US government was an evil person of high intelligence whose goal was to murder ten's of thousands of people and get away with it. When thought of this way, the entire War in Viet Nam snaps into focus and makes sense - as far as I know, that is the ONLY explanation of the war that allows it to be understandable.

If you are a good person you will meet many evil people in your life, you need to recognize them and their actions. More importantly you need to recognize which evil behaviors you have been conned into excepting as reasonable and to reject those behaviors - both in yourself and in others - as unacceptable.

Of course Yin and Yang complicates the detection of evil; in any good person there is an element of evil - in any evil person there is an element of good. In a good man that element of evil belongs in his fighting spirit - where it causes no harm and strengthens his nature. Incidentally, it is because of this element of evil in the fighting spirit that good triumphs over evil; it is something evil lacks

Thursday, July 10, 2008

fake and phony is GOOD

... what Church DO U go 2??

CRAZY church debate

ya sure

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The "Secret Weapon" That Made Me Top Salesman - Revealed...

The "Secret Weapon" That Made Me Top Salesman - Revealed...

"Now You Can Learn The Most Overlooked Sales Skills And 'Hush-Hush' Psychological Triggers No one Ever Figures Out On Their Own - Finally Revealed!"

Jim Roelofs the salesman from thermotron is here but kicking back a little, we have tried to give him more responsibility several times and he says "No thanks".

He's reached that stage where he realizes responsibility has more drawbacks that positives and is real comfortable where he is - smart.

It amazes me how things repeat themselves and if you just pay attention to history you have a pretty good idea of what's going to happen next.

Hello and thank you visiting my web-site. My name is Andrew Barker and I am the top salesman at a major UK company (Not bad for a kid that was voted the biggest drop-out in high school). Anyhow, a few years ago and almost by accident I stumbled upon a half dozen 'psychological triggers' that helped to turn my very average sales career around...

These psychological triggers are so easy to master that once revealed you’ll be able to use them almost INSTANTLY. They are so 'potent' that you’ll;

Know EXACTLY what to say and do at the RIGHT TIME...

Fully understand the "psychological triggers" and switches you must activate “INSIDE” the customers mind to quickly and easily WIN a favourable buying decision...

i sued .. U .. because

it's amazing the number of liars theves and slanders at thermotron..

they think they invented .. deceite and lying..

call up tom bannach, or hil sysbesa, dean tripp, dan okeefe, roger cannady, dave water field, ron wiley.. bragged what a good liar he was..randy hirdes.. gee U aught to publish... gregory v johnson.. it dosen't matter what lies U say about your co-workers.. and who U rob and steal.. so long as U get away wtih it and blame it on some one else.. jim roulofs... what a clown.....

mitch kerr at alltempengineering.. he said." i knew they were all backstabbers"

R U A dummy ?? or ?

U can be a useful IDOIT or a DUMMY

Monday, July 7, 2008

dishonesty and deceite are A-OK .........,the "hypocrite" is not truly a Christian

Mammoth, Inc (Mammoth Air) - Holland, Michigan (MI) | Company ProfileActivate Links,, ... Contact Name:Tom Bannach. Contact Title:Manager ... - 43k - Cached - Similar pages

where is tom bannach?..... Hmmmmm ...

after dan okeefe told him to leave thermotron,, well then he went to TURNERS little company EST,..

EST Testing Solutions - Holland - Michigan (MI) - US Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Testing, Environmental Consultancy or Testing, Environmental Test Equipment, Automotive Test Equipment, Temperature Test ...

he was advertised as the chamber teaching Guy... classes were "2 B announced"

but there was never any classes,, so tom was let go

but now he is at Mammoth..

now the interesting thing about Mannoth.. is a few years ago... "GOD" YAWAH told me to apply for a job advertised there.. which i did..

Mammoth advertised a salary range.. of this minimum to this maximum..

and then a month or so later .. they offered me a job ... ,, and they tried to tell me that the minimum and maximum... only applied employees "after they were hired"

i told them .. them .. that i really didn't like being "swindled" and salary range they advertised was deceptive..

so they said .. well we will see what we can

so they came back and offered me the minimum..

SO TOM BANNACH .. should fit into this company MANNOTH very well.. because they will lie deceive and swindle you...

and they try to make the lie fit..

.. this is like DON BENCH at Russles Technical Products.. when bench told me he had to lie and cheat his employee's .. other wise he can't compete with Thermotron..

and Bill BENCH who told me my "job" was to lie and defraud the customer .. it didn't matter is the equipment worked of not,, just get them to sign off and accept the bad product..

IT"S no wonder that TOM BAnnach brags that "they are all currupt"

and this is the reason that the DUTCH AND CHRISTIAN RELIGION in HOLLAND MICHIGAN are know as the WEST MICHIGAN HippOcrits

The sin of hypocracy is not a lifestyle, in my view, but a sin.

Some folks perfer to make a lifestyle out of it

, much the same as homosexuality, stealing, or just plain lieing.

Hypocracy hits the Christian world in a terrible way, in that it damages the Christian's testimony.

This particular sin goes to the heart of our life, as others view the Christian's hypocracy and somehow transfer that one sin to all Christian's.

Like any other sin, Darby, God certainly see's that sin and we ultimately will be held accountable for it.

Now some hypotheticals.

A true "hypocrite" is;

"one who put's on a mask and feigns himself to be what he is not;

a dissembler in religion." (Web Bible Encyclopedia)

Is it possible that the "hypocrite" is not truly a Christian, but one who fakes their religion?

Yes, it is possible.

None of us know how genuine a person's conversion really is.

A Christian who has a genuine converstion when they accept Christ as their savior is not infallible, of course, so ultimately, we might all be accused as "hypocrites" at some point in time.

Our sin's are forgiven us,

Darby, but we are still held accountable for our sin. (Revelations 20: 11-15)

Our sights must continue to be on Christ, not on the church, Darby. You may enjoy this article:

The recent coverage of Rev. Jeremiah Wright has often cast him as a marginal, almost fringe figure, but Trinity Church is a major Chicago institution, and Wright has long been a prominent pastor on the American scene.

And an anonymous blog set up to defend his church offers some compelling photographic evidence of this: A photograph of Wright and President Clinton, which it says was taken on September 11, 1998 -- the date of a White House gathering for religious leaders.

Hillary Clinton, according to her recently-released schedule for the day, was present at the gathering.

That's where Clinton reportedly told the assembled clerics, at the depth of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, that he had "repented."

the gAY bLADE

tom bannach called his co workers GAY behind their back.. as if he could tell the difference.. he called the strait's gay.. and his personal perverts ... normal!!

talk to dan okeefe .. he told .. me that he lets any type of pervet into management.

gee ... i always wnated to be a FIELD SERVICE ENgINeEr...!!!

and now i is one

Thursday, July 3, 2008

don't U want to go into management?

meat thermotron management teem.. on a stick

Gee Don't U want to go into management?
this is what tom baby-boy said..

the reply was.. WOW .. U lie 2 .. U cheat Me .. U back stabb your co-workers.. and now U say... Don't U want to B like MEeee.. B a weener!!! 1 (one) of and okeefe's puppets..

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

R U an Ass HOLE

i met a lot of aSS hoLES at thermotron..

they are called ..LIFE--eRS.. and liars... and perverts

U Can B A gangster..

live the reality.. virtually.. like a john..tom .. hil.. or greg.. it's a Tripp

the enviromental chamber business offers U more

Sociopaths do not change

thermotron Sociopaths do not change

Perhaps you've come to the conclusion that you are dealing with a sociopath. You've read the key symptoms and they describe this person perfectly. You've read the stories, and you recognize the behaviors. So what do you do now?

Accept the reality that a sociopath will never change.

You cannot cure him with your understanding. You cannot change yourself and expect him to be satisfied. You cannot make him understand how you feel and how much he hurts you. He really doesn't care. (All of this applies to female sociopaths as well as male.)

To a sociopath, you are just "supply." You are a source of money, sex, housing, business connections, or whatever else he is taking from you. Even though he says, "I love you," and "I'll never do it again," the words mean nothing. His sole objective is to keep the supply coming.

So what do you do? Cut your losses and get out.

If you're lucky, you're not married to him, you don't have children with him, and you don't work with him.

You just walk away and never see the creep again.

But many situations are more complicated than that. If you have to deal with divorce or child custody, expect it to be nasty.

It's not that the sociopath actually cares about you or the kids.

It's just that he wants to win, and make your life miserable in the process.

this info provides more information on what to do if you're involved with a sociopath on the other pages of this section

Beware the thermotron sociopath

Beware the sociopath
No heart, no conscience, no remorse

Donna Andersen

I married a con man—a man who I now consider to be a sociopath. I didn't know anything about sociopaths when I said, "I do." Well, I learned about sociopaths (also called psychopaths) the hard way.

I thought I was marrying a successful businessman, James Montgomery. It turned out I was his business. He took all my money and left me seriously in debt.

Think it couldn't happen to you? Think again.

I found out, far too late, that my husband had a history of defrauding women. I also found out he's not alone.

Experts estimate that approximately 1% of the population are born sociopaths. That means there may be nearly 3 million sociopaths in the United States , and more than 63 million sociopaths worldwide. What's worse, sociopaths cannot be rehabilitated. Once a sociopath, always a sociopath.

Sociopaths have no heart, no conscience and no remorse. They don't worry about paying bills. They think nothing of lying, cheating and stealing. In extreme cases, sociopaths can be serial rapists and serial killers.

Think you can spot a sociopath? Think again. Sociopaths often blend easily into society. They're entertaining and fun at parties. They appear to be intelligent, charming, well-adjusted and likable. The key word is "appear." Because for sociopaths it's all an illusion, designed to convince you to give them what they want.

Sociopaths are masters of manipulation. So before you give away your love, your money or your life, read this website and the Lovefraud Blog.


Psychopaths In holland michigan.. does your church serve "GOOD DOnuts"

i was 1st .. warned about these people in 1972.. and it is still TRUE..

THE PSYCHOPATH - The Mask of Sanity

Special Research Project of the Quantum Future School


Imagine - if you can - not having a conscience, none at all, no feelings of guilt or remorse no matter what you do, no limiting sense of concern for the well-being of strangers, friends, or even family members. Imagine no struggles with shame, not a single one in your whole life, no matter what kind of selfish, lazy, harmful, or immoral action you had taken.

And pretend that the concept of responsibility is unknown to you, except as a burden others seem to accept without question, like gullible fools.

Now add to this strange fantasy the ability to conceal from other people that your psychological makeup is radically different from theirs. Since everyone simply assumes that conscience is universal among human beings, hiding the fact that you are conscience-free is nearly effortless.

You are not held back from any of your desires by guilt or shame, and you are never confronted by others for your cold-bloodedness. The ice water in your veins is so bizarre, so completely outside of their personal experience, that they seldom even guess at your condition.

In other words, you are completely free of internal restraints, and your unhampered liberty to do just as you please, with no pangs of conscience, is conveniently invisible to the world.

You can do anything at all, and still your strange advantage over the majority of people, who are kept in line by their consciences will most likely remain undiscovered.

How will you live your life?

What will you do with your huge and secret advantage, and with the corresponding handicap of other people (conscience)?

The answer will depend largely on just what your desires happen to be, because people are not all the same. Even the profoundly unscrupulous are not all the same. Some people - whether they have a conscience or not - favor the ease of inertia, while others are filled with dreams and wild ambitions. Some human beings are brilliant and talented, some are dull-witted, and most, conscience or not, are somewhere in between. There are violent people and nonviolent ones, individuals who are motivated by blood lust and those who have no such appetites. [...]

Provided you are not forcibly stopped, you can do anything at all.

If you are born at the right time, with some access to family fortune, and you have a special talent for whipping up other people's hatred and sense of deprivation, you can arrange to kill large numbers of unsuspecting people. With enough money, you can accomplish this from far away, and you can sit back safely and watch in satisfaction. [...]

Crazy and frightening - and real, in about 4 percent of the population....

The prevalence rate for anorexic eating disorders is estimated a 3.43 percent, deemed to be nearly epidemic, and yet this figure is a fraction lower than the rate for antisocial personality. The high-profile disorders classed as schizophrenia occur in only about 1 percent of [the population] - a mere quarter of the rate of antisocial personality - and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that the rate of colon cancer in the United States, considered "alarmingly high," is about 40 per 100,000 - one hundred times lower than the rate of antisocial personality.

The high incidence of sociopathy in human society has a profound effect on the rest of us who must live on this planet, too, even those of us who have not been clinically traumatized. The individuals who constitute this 4 percent drain our relationships, our bank accounts, our accomplishments, our self-esteem, our very peace on earth.

Yet surprisingly, many people know nothing about this disorder, or if they do, they think only in terms of violent psychopathy - murderers, serial killers, mass murderers - people who have conspicuously broken the law many times over, and who, if caught, will be imprisoned, maybe even put to death by our legal system.

We are not commonly aware of, nor do we usually identify, the larger number of nonviolent sociopaths among us, people who often are not blatant lawbreakers, and against whom our formal legal system provides little defense.

Most of us would not imagine any correspondence between conceiving an ethnic genocide and, say, guiltlessly lying to one's boss about a coworker. But the psychological correspondence is not only there; it is chilling. Simple and profound, the link is the absence of the inner mechanism that beats up on us, emotionally speaking, when we make a choice we view as immoral, unethical, neglectful, or selfish.

Most of us feel mildly guilty if we eat the last piece of cake in the kitchen, let alone what we would feel if we intentionally and methodically set about to hurt another person.

Those who have no conscience at all are a group unto themselves, whether they be homicidal tyrants or merely ruthless social snipers.

The presence or absence of conscience is a deep human division, arguably more significant than intelligence, race, or even gender.

What differentiates a sociopath who lives off the labors of others from one who occasionally robs convenience stores, or from one who is a contemporary robber baron - or what makes the difference betwen an ordinary bully and a sociopathic murderer - is nothing more than social status, drive, intellect, blood lust, or simple opportunity.

What distinguishes all of these people from the rest of us is an utterly empty hole in the psyche, where there should be the most evolved of all humanizing functions. [Martha Stout, Ph.D., The Sociopath Next Door] (highly recommended)