Tuesday, April 29, 2008

U got 2 go along.. with it OR eLSe

kICk youR aSS..

the interesting thing about thermotrom is as pretty boy patterson said..

if U don't go alone with it.. they will kick yOUr AsS


can U push people's BuTTons??

R ...UU... ReaDy for the NeXT lEVel???

then we have it ....iN ....4 ...UUUU ...

where is HOllAnD ??

yes yes inquiring minds what 2 know..
Where is HoLLanD ?

and what do they .. dO there??

It could be worse!!!

ya .. ya we care... but it really could be worse!!

U ---R----- A -----WinNER for 1 (one) year

can U go 2 the next level??
yes U--- do U whant ta see hwat .. U can accomplist?? .. don't worry.. ask roger cannary..,. or dave water (in) the Field.. or dickless mckinnlye or jimmyless Roulfos, or dean tripp... or any ForMer Thermotron Employee's ..

If U can sell... We won't tell...!!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

sold out to satan! Yet?

sold out to satan..? Do what U will

U Will ,,,,, SO Do what U want

just have FUn

"Lies - And you fill their souls

With all oppressions of this world And all the glory you receive?

So, What makes you supreme?

Lies - Your crown is fallingI offer fantasy

And you,

you creator are Blind with envy

Let the children come to me

Their mother loves me,

so shall they Woman,

bleeding, ate my gifts

Man was close behind

Just like a snake I'm slithering

Thru my world divine

And like the cat I'm stalking

I'll take your soul and You'll Be like me

In emptiness, free

Just bow to me faithfully

Bow to me splendly

Monday, April 21, 2008

Co mmm on they r'e all cUrrupt

yA i guess U R rite... thEy ArE CuRRupt 2.....2...2. like UUUUU


tHe mAFiA

The Problem of being

The Problem of being
a Whistleblower

Associated press 8-11-1990

SEATTLE-- A Hanford nuclear reservation whistleblower has filed a $30 million lawsuit against government contractors he accused of conducting a harassment campaign to force him from his job because of his safety complaints.
The suit alleges Rockwell and Westinghouse conspired to gather damaging information from Bricker's friends and fellow employees. The suit said the Hanford contractors rejected Bricker's safety complaints, punished him for bringing them and made him "engage in fruitless procedures to voice his grievances.
The suit alleges that when Bricker took his complaints to congressional staff workers, Rockwell began a secret campaign against him. "My files, unbeknownst to me were stuffed with lies" he said. Documents allegedly penned by Hanford contractors detailing the start of the anti-Bricker operation, titled "Special Item - Mole.

But a well renowned Whistle Blower is Ralph Nader. The harassment he received is well documentated.

The above and what I saw
is what Shel--y --the--slut Dutch Reformed says is

This management style is considered "normal" business policy.

ed.[ that's a Holland MI Dutch reformed for you]

Friday, April 11, 2008

letts ask Mitch Kerr

Letts ASK Mitch Kerr
To: mkerr@alltempeng.com
Subject: mitch kerr
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 15:40:13 -0500

Show Full Headers Back To [SENT]


Hello, as a reminder, no offence intended...i really was wondering if u know of any people in this business with good character.

That's what i liked about working as a teacher, people actually had good character.

But obviously i should have put in for a out side sales position... maybe the one bill arvo (detroit) had as out side... or maybe inside .. obviously it is an easy job.. (in my dreams huh)

In california thermotron sales was "get the customer drunk and find out how much money they really had to spend.

and Gregory v johnson spent 3 years lying to his co-workers and stealing and embezzling, he and tom bannish drummed out every one in that office...and he walked away with over 50,000 dollars of profits..

Then ENSECO with randy Bunn fired him in less than 6 months.. for robbery thief and embezzlement ,, and he couldn't do anything but change soloniods!! the FINE job of tom bannish and his training methods.. and the other SENIOR field service engineer DEAN TRipp..

Why you ask... well.... if Tom patterson can't (and bill arvo couldn't, but hil could) identify the different liars and thieves and embezzlers of your own company and the others that u have worked with... How in the world do you identify the bull the customer might say and your competition?

When Bill bench told me to lie and deceive the customer the customer at the navel station in San Diego, I said to Bill I realize my job to you is to get the customer to sign off... but unfortunity this group is not as dumb as you hoped for: (maybe the famious john dane at all temp engineering .. got that unit to work..)
Bill Bench couldn't do , and i never worked with a field engineer at thermotron..

So i said to bill bench "you tell me what lies they will believe and I will transmit that info", Heck that old sales man who sold the job at Russles Technicial Products was useless.. he would mutter and clear his throut... MmmmMMmmMMmmm

All he could do was say” well it will work at some of the specifications, but we just don’t know which ones...

But i guess the rule is the technician they sent is dumb and we will send someone smarter.

When i told bill bench that "i don't lie cheat and defraud people in my job because the bible covenant forbids it" He and mike Barrs kinda mocked me behind my back and a little to my face..

It's that famious saying john tenbrink would say "I didn't want to lie !! But they told me too" What could i Doooooo!!! ( i guess die and go to hell)(after a fine carreer))

Obviously getting the customer to sign off is parliament, but there was no team work for this at russles technicial products or at thermo Ron.

When Thermotron sent Hil to Litton on a bad project, the custiomer came to me and said .. Great now they are sending people to lie to me and tell me i don't know what i ordered and saw.

Not at all different from thermo Ron... except at thermotron there was daily thieft and embezzlement.

Heck I found it so puzzling... that I asked the managemt there if they were a money laundering operation for the Mafa and what they budgeted for it.

All these years later I still have not found another company that encouraged lying cheating, stealing, robbery theft and embezzlement, and as banish demonstrated libeling and slandering his co-workers, and drumming them out...

Funny last April i interviewed for a job in new jersey with Environmental specilities and wayne one of the co-owners said they had lost an( 800,000) eight hundred thousand dollar order because they couldn't meet the ship date.

I said that is a shame because Dan O'Keff at thermotron says just lie to the customer and tell them what they want to hear because everyone has a slipping ship date, everyone lies to the customer anyway.(But I couldn't get excited about living in new jersey)

So I apologize if this is not common knowledge...

When u walk into a whore house in Los Vegas... most every body is a whore... even the patrons...

Good people with good character is actually hard to find..
or we can just pretend.

So Mitch ... do U know of any GOOD people in the environmental chamber business??

just courous, THE BLADE... Ha Ha Ha

If this is new.....then...wow.. good thing i wrote a thesis on this and kept a journal with memos from thermotron.. I have taught on this a few times also.

So in all your wide years of experience do you know of any companies where good people work there??

Herman Miller in Holland seems to have a good rap.. but their management appears to be accountable and upstanding.. gee it even made the news paper a month ago..and it might be true?

Hmmm... Like the war Iraq with George bush and Dick chenny, opps... we got bad info on the W of MD... and no one gets fired for doing a bad job... it must be loyalty.

helping helps your co-workers

At thermotron senior field service technicians will help U solve problems..

ask mark lamers, hil sysbesma, berry wright, tom bannish, jerry sinzack, ron lanplen, john tenbrink, bobless wiley, maybe roger cannary, or dave waterfield, the list

Thursday, April 10, 2008

training and safty at work

safe working conditions and training

field service trainin demenstration

at thermotron traingin is an im-po-er-tant part of your oreintaion .

our senior staff will demenstrate the value of "getting your ASs in the game!!"


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

gregory v johnson it's not ME.. IT'S HIM

IT'S him... He's a BaCK StaBBeR !!!

It's NOt MEeeeeeeee

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

sales training is man-DUH-tory

hey call up CURT who was the replacement for Bo Bjarno .. he said he got his training in part.. when he worked in personell.. smile U-R- on canid CAMERA!!!

thermotron salesman employment

perhaps u,U yes U have that talent and ability to work with the BEST in the industry!!

Be a salesman TODAY and impress your friends!!! because U (YES U)

are MOVING on UP!!! the the BIG tIMe !!

management training

Gee as shelly in the parts dept said .. iT's jUsT PoliTicS !!

U don'T hAVe tO BeLieve Nuthing!!!

training takes 2 people at thermotron

in the old days dean trip and mark strain worked as a team, (as much of a team as 2 clowns can be..)

After mark got training at spectrical dynamics on the vibration system .. doug mahn and tom bannish called up to have another guy perforn the quartly PM's on the equipment..

and i cost thermotron 25,000 dollars to finally hire spectrical dynamics to do the calibrations.. because ..their guy was afraid to do it..

(interesting that was my job when i was working at Boeing airplane company..)

and even doug mahn senior vibration application engineer.. and project manager.. couldn't do it..

It always takes 2 2 2 2 2 and then they call on U U U U

training at thermotron

training at thermotron is very intense.. and simple

don't let any one tell u differently!!

when in doubt .. just say" oh i have to go back to the shop and get a a SRN solonoid

all i have in the truck are SKE solonoid."

and then call up mark lamers.. and say waaahattts UUUPPPP !

Monday, April 7, 2008

2 much dIRt

Subject: Only in the South

Too GOOD not to share!

1 cor 10.. many voices/ Igot a WoRd for the LOrD

Some Christians mistake human intuition and even demonic voices,

whether actually correct or incorrect,

for the "still small voice" of the Spirit.

tHE NEW GOD .. in holland michigan

The world and the Christian church are quickly witnessing the creation of a "god' that all unholy men can worship.

There is an invasion into the church of this "god".

He is Christian in appearance without being Christian in Biblical theology.

His is a kind of hybrid Christianity with a pious facade that already has millions of church members quickly offering their souls


In the New Testament, the Greek word 'daimonizomai' is used to express the presence of demonic spirits within a person. What this word means is: "to be demonized; to be under the power or influence of a demon in certain areas; to have a demon."

Good liars needed!!!

thermotron ask mark strain???
hey guy... when i was there.. and tom bannish was bragging that "they are ALL currupt" and DON't U wanT to Go INto ManaGement?

mark strain came to me and said"toM BaNNish is the MOst HONest guy he has ever met!!!

it sad to think that is hoW currUPt CALifornia is..

ask mark who were all the people that were drummed out and came thru the LA oFFice when he was THere.

Friday, April 4, 2008

It's just a game .. SorrY/ salesman

Bo bjarno said every one is phony at thermotron

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

SPINEless GUTless WONdeR

spinless gutless wonder

I guess i was luckly that many people were up front when i was writing my thesis.. and broke the code of silence..

i was surprised to find the "Clock" man (bill arvo)..out of detroit from thermotron..an old thermotron sales man is NOT hard to come by. i guess he forgot he is a sales man and as Mike Barrs said

"U know when a sales man is lying"

because his lips are moving.

but i found it puzzling that he didn't know that most of his co-workers who i worked with didn't follow his policy.. as he was obviously in the DARK

Hil syspesma and other's referred to Tom Bannish as the "Spineless Gutless Wonder"
this is becsues he is a Passave Agressive Back stabbing Slander..

Dean tripp told me that re really didn't have the "Character to be a manager"

(and theat he was a embezzler and liar and back stabber when he worked for HIM!)

I pretty much figured that no matter what he said it was a lie..

the people i worked with under bannish mocked their co-workers behind their back for trying to live an honest life, or trying to do a good job.

(they said it didn't matter what you did to anyone so long as u got away with it and blamed it on some one else)

Dave durham the electrican called me "squeeky" and he considered it wrong for some one to expose his embezzling.. dick alverson ( texas office) told me it was common knowledge that he and john tenbrikn.. would lie abooout their co workers.. but smile to their faces..

(but was quick to put a blade in someone back)

It was pretty horriable working with such a group of back stabbers,liers,theves and embezzelers..decevers (enough to last a life time)

As Bill Wybenga in accounting once told me it is easy to get people to lie for you at thermotron.

I didn't know it was a planned business profile.. funny none of the business classes .. used that .. model..

Interesting that They the holland church goers, the Dutch and Christian reformed teach the it is the "Broad Path that leads to eternal life with Jesus not the Narrow Path"

As Tom Bannish sent out christmas cards every year the said "Jesus died for my sins"

But Jesus said "whoever does what i have commaned are my deciples"

so tom bannish like many at thermotron are going to Hell.. no big loss.

When the satan deciple told tom bannish that if he "would follow his values and worship him" (he could be in management !!) tom bannish behavior demenstrated his decision!!

It's ok to be currupt!!

tom bannish said he has more respect for people who are liars and who do "it " the hard way.

So happy new new year to u tooo

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

go or stay at thermotron ??

Well, it's been awhile since I last made an entry so I thought it was about time.

On the job front, things are okay.

I just started this new position (production control) in February and unfortunately it hasn't turned out like I had hoped.

I still work at Thermotron, just in another building.

I thought I'd love getting out of accounting, but it turns out that I kinda miss it and I really miss the people I used to work with.

The people I work with now are nice but I don't have a whole lot in common with them and the workload is quite light so I find myself bored on occassion, which is not so much fun.

Yesterday B informed me that they are looking for a person in accounts payable at Bradford Company (our friend Eric works there) and thought I should apply.

I'm in a dilema on this because I just started this position a couple months ago so I don't really want to desert Thermotron but there are definate pluses to this new job opprotunity.

#1-It pays more but it farther away. Right now I have a 1 1/2 mile commute, Bradford is more like 10-15.

And with gas prices the way they are right now I'm thinking the difference in pay will account for the gas I'm gonna spend!

#2-Bradford will match up to 3% in your 401K, Thermotron matches nothing.

#3-at Bradford I could take an hour lunch, so I could still come home to let the dog out.

But once again, more gas spent.

So yeah, if anyone has an opinion on this I'd appreciate it.

I'm thinking I should at least apply, except now I'd have to do up another resume

changing face for former thermotron employees

changing face of thermotron employee's

we have made some changes

thermotron ask mark strain???

hey guy... when i was there.. and tom bannish was bragging that "they are ALL currupt" and DON't U wanT to Go INto ManaGement?

mark strain came to me and said"toM BaNNish is the MOst HONest guy he has ever met!!!

it sad to think that is hoW currUPt CALifornia is..

ask mark on all the people that were drummed out and came thru the LA oFFice when he was THere.

